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Friday, March 30, 2012

Pick up: Its JESUS!

WHAT IS GOD CALLING YOU TO DO TODAY? WHAT HAS HE PLACED IN YOUR SPIRIT? WHAT HAS HE SHOWN & TOLD YOU THAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING? Those are questions I often have to ask myself, and truthfully speaking, I already KNOW the answers. God has placed so many life-changing visions in my spirit, not only for myself but for others as well, and I have yet to completely surrender all & avail myself to what he's shown me. Fear, laziness, procrastination, and more are some of the reasons....but the MAIN reason that is stopping me from progressing further is.......... "ME".

Does this sound familiar? Ladies, we MUST answer the call God has on our lives. I know it may sound difficult or "too much", but if God said it, then that should SETTLE IT! His plans for our lives are much bigger than we could ever fathom, and I truly believe that is one reason why many of us are afraid to move forward because we feel overwhelmed by what he's showing us. We know we can, but we don't. We know we should, but we won't! God says, "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11). THAT'S THE WORD and if he said that "he" knows what's best, then that ought to make us run, jump, and hop on the calls he has placed on our lives.

Don't let money, lack of resources, skills, education, the opinions & criticisms of others, or even your current state of mind prevent you from leaping into your destiny. God will have it to where education will never be a factor & you'll be doing & making more than the person who has 3 degrees and 10+ years of experience. God is not a God of confusion or fear. FEAR is- False Evidence Appearing Real. If we continue to allow fear to stop us, then we will never live! God knows what's best, and you can rest assured that if he has shown or told you to do something, then there is treasure. His ways are not our ways and he believes in & thinks so highly of you that he specifically gave YOU the call and no one else. No, it won't come easy & yes, you may even feel like giving up, BUT if you can just be obedient, practice patience, & continue trusting him, then it will ALL be worthwhile!

There is too much greatness inside of you to remain silent. You have something to contribute to the world that others do not, so use that to change lives. We can't be selfish & only think of self due to being afraid of our own strength! Someone is counting on YOU to take a step of faith & accomplish your goals. Remember, its NOT about us!!!!! Someone may be saved, healed, empowers/encouraged to keep going on just by your obedience {sound familiar? That's our mission here, lol! :-) } So go ahead, start that non-profit organization, start that mentoring program for young girls, start that shelter for battered women & children, go back to school to get your degree, finish that GED, start that business, forgive those that hurt you, release the pain & anger, start that ministry......and whatever you do, just trust God & ANSWER THE CALL! ---Shenina

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Acting like a LADY......and thinking like one too!

Soooooooo, here's my take on the famous statement/book title, Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey. I have read the majority of it, and its alright...but my personal opinion about it is that it lacks what God has to say about relationships overall. Without getting too deep, lol, here goes:

Personally speaking, I believe ladies should act like ladies and think like ladies at all times....period. We are not men, therefore, we will never think like "them" so to say. Men are men and women are women. Now I know some people would argue that many people are taking the title out of context, and they have every right to feel that way, but I do think it has caused SOME women to either stay single or it has caused turmoil in their current relationship. Ladies, especially those in relationships and are currently single, you don't have to do any more than what you're doing but make sure your life is one modeled after Christ and that you are treating yourself & others with the utmost respect.....and that is it! If a man wants you, he will want YOU & everything that comes along with you. You don't have to think like "him" in order to catch his attention. Society as a whole has given many of us negative, fairy-tale images of what it takes to "keep" a man or a woman that has nothing to do with God. When God is at the head, then he will be sure to bless you with the very person that causes you to act like a lady, and think like one too. 
Many women are digging too hard in their relationships to find clues, signs, and more to show them if "he" is the one. While it is definitely okay to evaluate who you're with and where they stand with you, you must never forget that God has ALL of the answers. Who has time to play mind games? Insecure people do that, and while I am respectfully saying that, we must know that with God-ordained relationships we won't have to go through those things. I am believing God for that & I know his Word doesn't lie!!!  Don't try to do what a man would do or wear the pants & allow him to wear the doesn't work like that. Allow a man to treat you like you should be treated and nothing less. A real woman thinks for herself and doesn't need the approval or validation from anyone. Spend more time consulting with God rather than listening to people who aren't even in God ordained relationships & watch what happens. You are a LADY, not a man. 

This is not intended to offend anyone, but I just want ladies to be themselves & not have to worry about thinking this way or that way just to get a man's attention to keep him satisfied and happy. I am actually going to see the movie myself when it comes out and I will share my thoughts afterwards...and by the way, I like the song by Jennifer Hudson & NeYo (Think Like A Man) as well, lol! That's why it is vital that we live our lives the way God intends and he'll see to it that you're well taken care of. Relationships built on the Solid Rock of Jesus stand a greater chance of "making it" than those based on what society deems appropriate. So go ahead & act like the beautiful lady that you are....and remember to think like one too by following God's commands!

Jennifer Hudson & NeYo make an amazzzzzing collabo!!! They both sound great & she looks awesome! Rick Ross could have stayed! I just wish women & men would look deeper into what the "title" says. We should all act like & think for ourselves, the way God intended for us. Nevertheless, I like the!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I LOVE you, but you hate me :-(

My heart & prayers go out to Trayvon's family (click here to read the case) & all that are affected. Cases similar to this happen each and everyday, and justice has yet to be served on behalf of the innocent and the wrongly accused. Without getting too deep into it, I just wanted to offer a few words on love & hate. Hate is SUCH a strong word. When you say you hate someone or something, then that means that you dislike them with a burning passion. When it comes to people, that is a definite and a sure NO NO, according to our Heavenly Father! We have taken the love out of everything and replaced it with jealousy, evilness, inconsideration, disrespect, and yes, even hate. Instead of doing what we know is right to do, we decide to go with the "popular" crowd even when we know God will be displeased with our actions. Regardless of what someone does to you, says about you, or even thinks about you, you are still required to LOVE them even if they hate you!

I know you want to sock some people upside the head & let them kiss what you twist & it isn't your wrist, lol, but you can't. Its okay to feel emotion when someone has wronged you, but before you react and do or say something you may regret, take a deep breath, wait a few minutes, and then respond. Trayvon's case is so sad, but because God allowed it then I know there is purpose behind it. We live in a cruel, mean, and dark world and that's why it is so important that we as Christians who say we love God, most importantly love others. Its time out for the racism, the hatred, the jealousy, the mess & gossip, etc. and its time IN for love, compassion, peace, & kindness. You must do right even when you want to do wrong. We have a goal, and HEAVEN is it!

No matter who does or doesn't like you, just make sure you LOVE them! Throw the junk away & replace it with a mind of Christ today. Here's my fb status from earlier:
"My prayer is for all of the Trayvons' out there, especially the ones in my community who don't know just yet that they too are him. We encounter situations similar to this everyday. While I am ecstatic that people of all colors are coming together to fight for justice & raise awareness, I am equally as concerned about the injustices that are happening in our own areas, right outside our doors....or better yet, the ones inside of our homes. Abuse, neglect, hate, jealousy, adultery, & the like should all be fought for daily, praying to God that he will turn our hearts towards him & let all of the unnecessary junk go. God is a God of peace & order! Let us all continue to support this situation, but we must also remember to fight for the ones that's closest to us. It goes deeper than this status. JUSTICE SHALL BE SERVED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!" --Shenina
And here's the comment description I posted for the following song as well on facebook:
 "God has not forgotten and justice shall be served in due time for all who have been wronged! Regardless of who we are, from the most famous celebrity to the most notorious killer, we have to reap exactly what we've sown! (d)emons are real, but God is REALER! "L♥ VE" is the missing factor!. Its going to take all of us to throw away the garbage of jealousy, hate, racism, evilness, & mess & pull together to sincerely LOVE on one another! My God! One glad morning, when this life is over......"