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Thursday, June 21, 2012

That last piece of chicken doe'.............

I am so mad I didn't think to take a picture of the chicken BEFORE I demolished it, lol! But this short and simple encouraging word came after I finished it, but was inspired by no more bottles of water being in my fridge :-(....I'll explain it in just a sec. Hang in there with me, lol!

LMBO! This chicken was sooo good!
Okay, have you ever wanted something sooooooooo bad & had your mind set on digging in to it after coming home from a long day's work, just getting up in the morning, getting up in the middle of the night, coming from outside in the scorching heat etc. only to find out it wasn't there???? If you're anything like me, I sometimes can get "4:30 hot" (a slang term used for the word- MAD, lol!) when something that I've been longing for is no longer there or either someone takes the very last of something without being considerate and asking first. It really burns my biscuits sometimes.

No more water :-( Can you say THIRSTY?
So today, I had my mind set on drinking a cold bottle of water only to go to my fridge & find out someone had gotten to it before I did. And guess what, its was the LAST bottle, smh. No, I wasn't mad but I did have my mind set on drinking the contents :-/  So instead, I just put some ice in a cup, found a half bottle of water I had drank the night before, poured it over the ice, and continued on my marry way. My mom cooked & asked if I wanted a plate and of course I couldn't turn it down (YUM!), so she brought it over along with cabbage greens & cornbread.... and I straight "murked" it (a slang term used for the word- ATE, lol!). After finishing and looking at my empty plate, I had one last piece of chicken left but wished I had another piece as well just because it was so good  :-/ bummer, BUT I was satisfied & thankful anyways.

Okay, on to what I'm trying to say.....
NO MATTER HOW LITTLE YOU 'THINK' YOU HAVE, GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES ANOTHER WAY TO SATISFY YOU! Though what I had been longing for (the bottle of water) was gone, he still provided a way for me to be satisfied (ice & just enough water to drink) and made a way to quench my thirst.

DEMOLISHED, lol! But I thank God for providing JUST what I needed.
NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU "THINK" YOU NEED, GOD ALWAYS PROVIDES ENOUGH! Though my 'mind' wanted more chicken (lol!), my spirit said you have enough. The same goes for God. Our flesh continues to want more, but GOD continues to provide enough even when we think we have less.

Isn't that good news? I hope you understood what I was saying in this post. What a way to bring in an encouraging word with chicken & water, ey'???? Hahahahaha! :-)

Thank you Lord for INCREASE in every area of my life!

Monday, June 18, 2012

HATER, this is not even .50 of it :-) HA!

I rarely use the word hate/haters, but for the purposes of this blog post right chere' (lol!)...............
Anywho, HOW ABOUT THIS PICTURE DOE'? When I saw it, I couldn't help but laugh because I can relate in more ways than one.  God is really working on some areas of my life right now that will not only continue to help me but others as well and eyes have not seen nor have ears heard a HALF of what he's about to do in my life! I'm not allowing fear to get the best of me any longer. I'm starting to take small steps to bettering my craft, developing a deeper passion for the things I love, and walking in my purpose, ON PURPOSE! 
Today, I ENCOURAGE you to give your enemies, haters, and doubters something to get mad at you about. The ones that talk about you thinking "you're too much or you're this or that", etc. are the ones who aren't doing anything of substance with their own lives because those that ARE have NO TIME to sit around & engage in sheer foolery!!!!!!!! And that's REAL TALK! Whatever you're doing now, whatever goal you've been thinking about accomplishing, and whatever God has been whispering in your ear for you to do......NOW IS THE TIME! You've been hiding your greatness for tooooo long. So what if they talk about you! So what if you aren't supported the way you thought you would! So what if you're a bit fearful! So what if you don't have the resources/finances right long as you have G-O-D, you have EVERYTHING! Where in the heck is your faith??? YOU have too much inside of you to keep closed in. To HELLo with what everyone thinks of you.....I'm learning to get an "I really don't care" attitude about myself. As long as I have God, I have everything I need!

So GET EXCITED about the visions, dreams, and goals God has impregnated you with. GET EXCITED about where he is taking you! GET EXCITED about what's in store. Its time to change & step it up a bit. You do know you have everything you need already inside of you right? Let them hate, let them spectate, and let them doubt......just keep following God & he WILL order your steps. They are mad at you now for the "little" you're doing, but they will hate you later when God reveals more! SHINE ON, SHINE ON, SHINE ON! I'm **rootin'** ya on! ---Fist pumps--- Lol!

-Nina ♥
(Post taken from The SHE |in| ME Encouragement For Women's facebook page) Ladies, join me there for MORE posts like ^this^) 


What to do when you don't know what to do.....

This may sound soooo cliche, but what you should do when you don't know what to do is (drum roll please)






You must first BELIEVE that God is going to honor your request. What good is praying when you don't believe? And because you believe, you can PRAY and ask for anything in God's will for you to have and it shall be SO. Make sure that when you get off your knees and raise your head that you are ready to RECEIVE what God will bless you with! When you receive the blessing by faith, WAIT on God to deliver. After he delivers, make sure you SHARE your faith and testimony with those that aren't as strong. Show them how powerful, merciful, and able God really is! (Hallelujah!)
Many of us prematurely give up because things don't happen when we think they should. While waiting, continue to praise God and because you already believe that he's going to deliver, then the manifestation of your blessings will come on his time, which is always perfect timing! That's what you should do when you don't know what to do. And yes, regardless of what people say and how you feel......its that simple. 


Father God, I come to you not asking of anything for myself, but asking that you will act on behalf of the person reading this. Father, they stand in need of something this day that only YOU can help them with, and I believe that you will certainly deliver and provide what it is they need and even what they desire, as long as it lines up with your will. I thank you now that burdens are being lifted, peace is present, and that clarity, strength, courage, love, and joy are already HERE in the name of Jesus! Whatever is in their path that may be blocking their blessings, I ask that it be removed right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I stand on your word right now and claim it done in your wonderful, magnificent, awesome name. No matter what come and no matter what may, I know that you have the last say so over their lives, and we praise you in advance for the blessing! Thank you Jesus for never failing us. It is so. AMEN. :-)


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

W.O.W (Words of Wisdom): God is ABLE and he WON'T fail!

Have you ever had those days where you desired encouragement from others but couldn't find it? How about those days you felt unmotivated as if all of your determination to complete tasks, goals, etc.was thrown out the window? I have felt like that plenty of times and every time I want to throw a pity party for myself I'm reminded that GOD IS ABLE AND HE WON'T FAIL! I have to encourage myself and know that no matter what I'm faced with and however it is that I feel.....God WILL come through just for me. You see, sometimes you can be sooooooo strong, confident, encouraging, etc. to others that some people forget that you too need to be poured back into. But I'm yet reminded that to whom much is given, much is required and you are your strongest when you are weak. So whenever you get in a slump and feel as if all hope is gone, just look up & seek God's face. Talk to him and let him know all about your struggles, your disappointments, your hurts, pains, concerns, etc. God HAS YOUR BACK, but you must trust him and put your faith totally in him in order to get the help you desire. 

I've been through some tough times and felt as if God had forgotten about me before, but as always, he comes through not on my time but on his. He has never failed me and he never will either! Be encouraged THIS DAY at THIS MOMENT wherever you are in your life. God heard you, God sees what you're going through, and God WILL fix it to work out for your good and his Glory! 

Even when you can't trace God, you still have to trust him! No money? TRUST GOD! More bills than month? TRUST GOD! No food, gas, job, transportation, etc.? TRUST GOD! About to get evicted from your home? Put out of school? TRUST GOD! I know it may seem impossible, but what's impossible to man is SURELY possible for God! For he IS the ALMIGHTY and I bless his name for that. I pray right now that God's love, peace, & understanding would be with you as you sleep tonight and that every worry, every stress, and every hurt that you feel will be relieved by his love for you. He's yet working it out even as you read this, so be of good cheer and continue moving forward. PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM, PRAISE HIM inspite of, and when  you finish doing so, PRAISE HIM SOME MORE! He's worthy, and he will NEVER fail you. You can bet your last $ on that.......IT IS SO! AMEN. The devil is defeated!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Stay BUSY during your season of "SINGLE"ness!

Singles, if you're anything like me and the few people that I talk to, we mainly talk about our future relationships/marriages, the struggles we are enduring, the happiness we are experiencing from not receiving premature blessings from God, and the peace we have right where we are in our lives now (among sooooo many other things, lol!). One thing that I cannot stress enough is the importance of concerning ourselves ONLY with the things of God. Being single is a BLESSING because we have more time to do and be what God desires, therefore opening more doors of opportunity and blessings. I'm currently awaiting two more books out of the five I just purchased about adapting to change in life, and what to do while in this single season of my life. Whether you are a man seeking God's face on where to search for your wife or whether you are a woman that is patiently waiting on her husband, we must all get busy being about our Heavenly father's business!

The more time you have on your hands, the more you are going to think about things that may only make you upset, angry, sad, etc. Concentrating on God will help you overcome any feelings that the enemy/satan may try to plant in your mind. We have all heard of the quote "An idle mind is the devil's workshop" and that is so true. When your mind/spirit isn't occupied with God, you leave more room for the enemy to step in and plant some things there that shouldn't be. If you concentrate on doing work for the Lord, then that emptiness will be filled with love, joy, peace, positivity, etc. We must even be careful of the things we listen to, the t.v. shows we watch, and the people we hang around because they can all be detrimental to our well being.

In this season of singleness, take time to hear what God is telling you. Even as I type this, I'm asking the Lord to help "ME" find my purpose and that my passion for the things concerning him will help me to walk in my authority. Here are some ways you can remain busy until God desires you to be in a relationship (ordained by HIM):

This will help you to remain rooted in doing things that will build the Kingdom of God. It will also require you to get out the house and off the couch/phone indulging in things that serve you no good a few times out the week.

Doing things to help others instead of  yourself is always a great thing that produces amazing results! Volunteer at a homeless shelter or offer your services to a non-profit organization to further promote positivity and peace within the lives of those who need it most.

That's self-explanatory. We know we should, but we don't. The more we study God's word, the more revelation, clarity, peace, and power we receive to fight off the thoughts the enemy tries to plant. The more word we have inside of us, the stronger we become in times of temptation.

This is self-explanatory as well, but its soooo true. We should be cheering and leaping for joy that we still have time to concentrate mainly on ourselves before we have to commit most of our time to our future mates. Do something you've always wanted to do. Go somewhere you've always wanted to go. Use this time to get healthier by exercising. Learn how to cook or at least better your cooking skills, lol! Focus on building your self esteem and going back to school to improve your craft. Pick up a hobby that brings you peace and joy. Get your finances in order so that you won't go into your relationship/marriage with huge amounts of debt (Lord, help me on that, smh.). Forgive those who did you wrong so you can free yourself. Whatever you do, just make sure you focus on yourself so that you will be well-rounded and know who you are BEFORE you get into a relationship.

These are just a few ways you can remain busy until that amazing man or fabulous woman comes along. Focus on God and keep moving forward in and through him. The more you make God's concerns yours, the more he can bless you with your heart's desires. Make sure you stay in his will and he'll make sure that his will is revealed in your life. Then you'll see that the WAIT was WELL WORTH IT! :-)

AMEN :-)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fruity Explosion?????

Lol!!! I didn't know what to call this nail design post. I was thinking of Grapes & Limes, but didn't know what to make of the glitter on the remaining nails O_o. Anywho, I used the Lime color again (last seen HERE) on all of the nails except the middle, and a L.A Colors purple on the middle nail. I then coated the outside nails with a pink, purple & blue glitter polish to give it the affect shown. I was in a rush and my nails were cut even lower this time, so I didn't like this set too much. However, it was decent enough to share with you guys, lol! Oh, I always try to match my nail & toe colors, so I just did the same thing to my toes with the exception of the purple. I'm trying the marble nail affect next I think.....and as always, you KNOW I'm going to take pics, lol! Have a great weekend everyone!



My piggies, lol! :-)

Check out my nail album HERE

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

NEVER apologize for being who you are!!!!

Hmph, I really could stop right there & allow the title of this post speak for itself. The message is simple & clear: NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE! If you don't like to wear shorts in the summertime, SO BE IT! If you like putting mustard on your popcorn, DO YOU! If you desire to better yourself even when you're amongst complacent people, HIGH FIVE TO YOU! The point I'm trying to make is that you never have to apologize, dim your light, or dumb yourself down just to make others like you or comfortable in their own skin. That is just LUDACRIS! So for real though, you'd rather me shut my mouth about the things God is doing in my life because it makes you uncomfortable??? Chile, PLEEEZA. Obviously the reason why you're uncomfortable is because you aren't doing anything with yours & my shine helps you to see your darkness better....hmph. BAM! Lol! It is absurd that you apologize for liking this or that, for wanting to do this or that, or wanting to be this or that just to make others take to you better. So what if they don't like what you have going on!!! So what if they can't get jiggy with you!!! So what if they wouldn't do it the way you are, that's why God made YOU who YOU are and he surely didn't need permission from anybody! Take me for example....I sometimes make jokes that no one laughs at (LOL!). I'm not into wearing tall, high heels/pumps as I prefer to wear cute flats. I don't have the straightest or whitest teeth, the biggest butt, the best wardrobe, the longest hair, the most pleasing attitude at times (yes, I can get a little feisty, lol), etc.....but I'm ME. Take it or leave it...its your choice :-)
We are all different and that's what makes us so special and unique. No two people are exactly alike, and I bless God's his Holy name for that. So before you judge someone for being different or feel they aren't good enough because they don't like, think, or do the same things you do, then you REALLY need to get over yourself & take a deeper look within. We must learn to respect one another and live as God instructs us to. I'm not like you nor are you like me, but we can both be happy if we accept one another for who we are. Yes, you may not like the things I stand for, how I look, what I say & do, etc., but one thing is for sure is that I'M ME ALL DAY LONG and I actually LIKE who I am. Sure, there are some things I'd like to improve, but I know that no one else in the world has that "Nina Swag" like I do, lol!!!! So before you start to complain or change who you are to make others smile, get to like yourself all over again. If there is something you need to change, then change it otherwise be thankful that God made you who you are. Never, ever try to impress people that had no part in making you. Please God only & you'll never have to apologize for being who you are ever again. 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Early Morning Thoughts/Gratitude Journal

As I sit here staring at my computer screen and thinking about what to type, I can't help but say THANK YOU to God. Sometimes he doesn't want us to do anything but open our mouth in gratefulness unto him. I've been thinking alot lately on what I want to do next and where I see myself within the next year or two that it almost seems scary. Because there is so much that I desire to do, it becomes overwhelming when I attempt to think about where I will actually be if I avail myself & stop allowing fear get the best of me. Its like you see yourself doing this & that, looking like this & that, feeling  and having this and that only to remain "stuck" on those thoughts instead of executing them as God desires. I know for a fact that I have sooo much inside of me and if I don't use my gifts, I will lose them.....same goes for you. I just ask God that he will continue to give us all the strength to accomplish our goals and to move forward joyfully, peacefully, and happily in our lives. Has anyone else ever felt like that?

Anywho, I just count it all Joy! At this very moment, I'm grateful for:

FOOD (Lol!)
EDUCATION (I started my new class in my Doctoral program. Pray fa' me, lol!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Shhhhh! God saw it. Just PRAY for them!

Have you ever been in a situation where you KNOW people have wronged you, talked bad about you, and have wished the anointing on your life didn't exist yet still continue to smile in your face & act as if all is well? Well, I have actually been in a few situations like this (and currently am even though "they" don't know that I know) but I never say a mumbling word. Do I wish to fly off the meter sometimes and go "there" with them, calling them out on all their nasty mess???....Of course I do (lol!), but where will that put me with God? NOWHERE. Two wrongs don't make a right & fighting fire with fire will keep it going. I am yet learning to stay quiet & remain humble during times like that. I desire to only "speak up" or confront individuals when G-O-D says so but until then, I'd rather PRAY FOR THEM.

Here's a transparent moment: I have definitely had my share of wearing the other shoes. I have been that person who wasn't always honest, who would throw a rock & hide my hand, etc. in the PAST, and it did NOT feel good when those very things came back to bite me in the woooha! So understanding the motives of people who are "slick" and knowing what they are doing is something that I can attest to because I too have been that person....until God CHANGED me (and he's still working on me). That's part of my testimony because I can relate on both ends. Its not by coincidence that they have stopped interacting with you. God will always do one of two things: (1.) EITHER REMOVE YOU.....OR.....(2.) REMOVE THEM! Every person that says they love God doesn't like you! And that's A-OKAY :-D

So regardless of what people do to you, say about you, and think about you......RESPECT them & treat them with kindness. Love them just as God loves you because only what you do for Christ will last in the end anyways. Don't treat people how they treat you......treat them BETTER! When you find yourself in compromising situations that you know you're only one bad decision away from missing your blessing, just say a quick prayer, take a wooosah moment, & swallow a chill pill because you don't want to prolong the blessings God has in store for you. If you're the person talking about people, constantly throwing out your opinions & assumptions of them without "really" knowing who they are, yet laughing & shouting Hallelujah & Amen in their faces, then I encourage you to be verrrrrry mindful on who you put your mouth on & the motives you are doing your "dirt" in. God does not take pleasure when his children downplay one another & he will handle all of us accordingly. We reap exactly what we sow!

At the end of the day, one thing I absolutely LOVE about God is that he SEES ALL & HE KNOWS ALL! There is nothing we can hide from him, and because he is an ALL-KNOWING, ALL-POWERFUL God, he will handle each of us accordingly, therefore, you never have to raise a finger or open your mouth when people do you wrong because God has your back! In due time, he reveals all things and as I always say, God will never leave his children in the dark about anything concerning them. I bless his awesome name for protecting us even when we don't know we are in the midst of lions, tigers, & bears! Let them do whatever the devil tells them to do....but don't  you say a mumbling word....just PRAY for that person & move forward with a smile on your face & joy in your heart KNOWING that he has already worked it & "THEM", out! "In the midst of the fire....I choose to be WATER" -Shenina

Don't ever assume someone doesn't know that you wronged them because they don't say anything. Wise people know that there is a time, place, & season for everything under the sun, therefore, everything doesn't need to be confronted or spoken of at once. The time will present itself when God says so, but until then, SILENCE is the key!