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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I "Love" to "Whip" My HAIR......(sometimes, lol!)

LOL! I am beginning to have a love/hate relationship with my hair. Some days its HOT, and some days.....its NOT, lol! Anywho, it has definitely grown since the last time I made a hair post (check it out HERE). Below are just a few pics of me doing the Mayo treatment on it for the first time. I plan to show my hair some much needed, long overdue TLC either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I bought some new products, so I'll do a review, take pics, and make a post later. Oh yeah, check out both the videos afterwards.....soooo soooo soooo cute! When I have a daughter, she will definitely be watching it. :-)

I added extra olive oil and a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar to mine

I put it on my dry hair as if I was relaxing/perming it

My ponytail is almost at the length it was the day I did my BIG CHOP. Check out the pics HERE

LOL! I don't even know......Just thought it was funny, lol!

Allowing the treatment sit on my head. Putting those good ol' WALMART  bags to great use, lol. Don't have a processing/shower cap??? Then put a bag or two on your head. Serves the same purpose. Don't play!!!! Lol.

After rinsing out the treatment. The Apple Cider Vinegar helped cleanse my scalp and my curls to POP more

I moisturized and then applied my Love, Nina~ Natural Body Butter to it to seal in the moisture (which can also be used on the hair). Check out my website HERE

Soft, buttery, moisturized curls!

Not a very good pic of the back.... but you get the picture. It has surely grown, but the sides of my hair seem to be at a standstill    O-o

Though the flash was too bright, I thought this pic was cute, lol! This was a recent hairstyle that I did.

Show this to every little girl :-)

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- MIX.....
 Willow Smith style (lol!)


Monday, February 27, 2012

Just thoughts on forming friendships/relationships....

If you don't know the story, don't try to figure out the ending! People who do not "know" me personally may assume, just by judging my book by its cover, that I don't like allowing people in my circle, and that I'm a stand-offish, to my self kind of person....when I really am not. I have been through alot when it comes to "friends" and people who I thought had my best interest at heart, therefore I am very cautious. It hurt me so bad to know that people who I allowed in my space did not care for me enough to stand with me, support me, and encourage me through even the toughest times in my life. I went through a period where I just knew that I'd probably never have any friends. For as long as I can remember, I've always been a very independent person, doing things by myself, for myself without the help of anyone. When I finally let my guard down and allowed people in my life, they did me wrong which in turn caused me to push away anyone I felt was trying to get to know me, for me. Until recently, I vowed to myself that I'd never let people get that close to me again, but I know that is not of God. Of course he wants us to be cautious when it comes to the people who want to be apart of our lives, but he also wants us to be in right fellowship with other believers, and that is even more reason why we should seek his face when it comes to making additions to it!

People act the way they act for a reason, and before we judge and assume, we should pray and ask God to show us how to deal with and approach them. One thing that I am NOT is a phony or fake person. I have had my share of being both of those and it did not work out well for me. Before I do that and be around people who make me uncomfortable or act out of character just for the sake of having "friends", I will literally just be by myself as I have so many times before. Everyone that comes into your life does not have your best interest in mind. I'm not saying its the same case for everyone, but you have to be mindful of those you tell your business to, those who you show emotions around, and those who you let your guard down in front of. There are plenty of great people out here in the world, but it does not mean that every great person has to be friends with the next great person. My reason for making this post just now is one that I don't know, lol. I guess you can call it randomness on top of realness 101! I desire to be around people of like interest, like faith, and even like personalities. God has recently blessed me to get to know some amazing women to interact with and I count even that all joy.

So if you're reading this, just be cautious when you pre-judge people before getting to know them. Don't make assumptions based off of what you hear about people either. This may sound harsh (take it or leave it), but everyone does not deserve a chance to be apart of your life!!!! The older you get, the more you realize that you don't have to have 1 million people around you or have to formulate friendships with every person that claims to "like" you. I don't know about anyone else, but since finding out that I really enjoy the company of myself, I have been much more peaceful, calm, & happier. Friendships take alot of work, but the closer I get with God the more I understand that everyone that claims they may love you as their brother/sister, surely doesn't like you! I allow God to direct my paths when it comes to people. It is easy to misunderstand someone or something you don't understand in the first place. There is nothing wrong with taking your time getting to know people. Don't dive in to relationships/friendship because you "feel" safe & that they are secure. Every relationship takes TIME to form, build trust, etc. If a person is FOR YOU, then you will know it because their actions will surely show it! And at the same time, it is important that you pray and ask God if YOU are friendship material because you may also be a hindrance to someone. Its the truth! Lol!
We are required to love everyone, but it doesn't mean we have to like them. Be respectful to people, treat them with kindness, and do for them just as God would...but let that be it. God does not lead his children wrong and left hanging out to dry when it comes to people. Seek his face about the friendships you form & allow him to show you if they are worth continuing on. Hope my random thoughts help at least ONE! Lol!

REAL TRANSPARENCY: Pornography & Adultery

The church is remaining -hush hush- about the REAL stuff folks are going through. Anytime we hear the word SEX or LUST or anything of like interest, we think its the worse thing ever. We aren't willing to talk about the things that are sending folks straight to hell in gasoline drawers such as sexual sins, but we will sugar coat lying, stealing, and having other gods before our main GOD. Though all are indeed sins and come with consequences, it is important that we as the "church" speak on the very things that preachers, teachers, deacons, choir members, ushers, greeters, and more are struggling with inside and out of the church daily!!!!!! You'd be surprised of how many preachers are struggling with some really tough issues even while they preach. It seems as if everything is peachy in the church, but outside of it they secretly go through HELL & are slowly digging a grave for themselves. Even the greatest people have sinned. Even the tallest person has fallen. Even the person with the biggest heart has been stingy before. Regardless of what you've done, you have a testimony! We all have done some things we aren't proud of that no one knows about, except God. If you've been following my blog posts, you know that being transparent is one of my goals this year & beyond. I'm not ashamed to tell people what I've done to help me get where I am now. I truly respect people who are REAL with themselves and others, without trying to sugar coat anything & make their situations appear great when they really aren't. 

I remember being over this particular ministry and still sinning like never before. While I was not proud of the things I did, I still "liked" what was going on. God was so not pleased with me, and even though I knew I was dead wrong, I continued to do it anyways. But through it all, I can look back on that situation and say THANK YOU LORD! I am so glad that I actually went through it because it helped me to get where I am today.

If you know me, know me, you also know that two of my favorite gospel artists are Kirk Franklin & Tye Tribbett! I absolutely love how God works through both of them. If you can recall, they have been under attack previously about things they've dealt with WHILE serving in ministry. Though many people have their opinions about them & will think what they will, I personally respect them both even more for being open & honest about their downfalls. Holding things back will only hinder you. No, I'm not saying that you have to tell your business to every Tom, Lucy, & Harry, but when you are in the presence of people who feel you have it all together or feel as if the sins they've committed will never be forgiven, then that may very well be a great time to share your testimony with them on how you made it over and how the sins you've committed have helped get you where you are now (through repentance & trusting God). The only difference between them & us is that their sins were made public while ours are still hiding in the closet! Be mindful of the things you say about people and the thoughts you have towards what they do because your sins may soon be exposed as well one day. Yes, God will hold those who publicly declare his goodness & works to others even more accountable than others, so we must all repent daily, straighten up, and live a pleasing life to him. Check out their interviews and the struggles  they've dealt with. Feel free to leave comments on how you feel about their situations.

 Keep everyone in your prayers folks. People everywhere are struggling daily, but instead of praying for them we gossip about their situations when they really need help. My prayer today is that we all, from celebrities, to preachers, to the person sitting on the couch doing nothing, will be free from the addictions we endure daily. I pray freedom, forgiveness, restoration, honesty, and openness in the name of Jesus. I pray that reputations will be restored and that we keep our minds focused on Jesus. Satan, you have no authority over God's children, for we are who GOD says we are! Lord, help us to live a life thats pleasing in your site. Amen.

Tye Tribbett shares his testimony about committing adultery

Kirk Franklin opens up about his addiction to pornography




Sunday, February 26, 2012

God was there all the time......

Every time I think about or hear that song, I immediately begin to cry. I cry because I can't even keep up with the many, many, many times I've looked to people and things for help, advice, a word of comfort, encouragement, etc. but didn't look to the ultimate problem solver.....JESUS. I cry because my spirit is convicted and guilty due to me overlooking the MAIN person I should be looking to! Instead of putting my complete faith in God, I've chosen so many times to go to "man", who will never have the answers that God does. Many may have good intentions, but God has the last say so. So I just want to take a moment to tell God THANK YOU. Tears form in my eyes every time I think about God standing in line, just waiting on me to call on him. Lord knows he shouldn't have to wait...and then wait patiently at that just for me to seek him! It should surely be the other way around. I've looked here and I've looked there for help and strength, yet no one can do me like Jesus. There is no one greater than him! No one can love me like he can and no one can strengthen and change me like he can! I bless his holy name for another chance just to call upon him. If you're searching for answers to life's problems through man, if you're looking for someone or something to have your back and support you, and if you're looking for someone to confide in and tell all of your troubles to....then the man to call on is J.E.S.U.S! I don't care what you've done, who you've done, and where you've been, God still loves you the same and wants to build a closer relationship with you. He never turns on and off like a light switch. He's there for you even when you aren't there for yourself. He loves us and he certainly cares. When I think I'm at my lowest and that no one is near, I can always count on Jesus! When people turn their backs on you, he's there. When you're misunderstood and people don't want to take the time out to get to know you, he's there. When you have more bills left than month, he's there. When you can't seem to find your way out, he's there. When they walked out on you and talked about you bad, he's there. He's right beside you now, waiting on you to call on him. Lord, I truly thank you for "waiting in line" because you surely didn't have to do it. But you love us just that much to wait on us! Wow. Now that's love. I appreciate you for that Jesus and I thank you for being there for me when no one else wasn't.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jazzy Nails!

I've been slacking so bad on doing my nails and have even started the bad habit of biting them off instead of filing them, lol. That's not good Nina.....I know, I know, but I'm slowly getting it together again. These pics are of my latest nail designs. Check out the others here. I'm adding more polishes, nail art, & designs to the collection, so I'll do a post on that shortly!!!
I tried the crackle nail polish for the first time & loved it!!!!!

I love having that one nail that stands out, lol!

I first painted all my nails black & then put the green crackle nail polish on top, followed by a clear coat!

The possibilities are endless!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Its the simple things that put a  :-) on my face. Right now, this shake is giving me LIFE, lol!

This McDonalds Shamrock Shake is the BIZNESSSSS!!!! I have fallen in love with them. So minty fresh!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lord, I'll wait on you.....

I don't know if you've ever felt as if God would never come or not, but I just want to encourage you to just WAIT ON HIM. Though I have many things that I'm waiting on, one thing in particular that I'm seeking his face about is that which concerns whomever my *future* husband may be. Now-a-days some 20 something year old single ladies (and even older) feel as if it is almost impossible to just sit here and wait on God to send their husbands---when in actuality, they CAN do it. There is so much going on and so many diseases that are killing us everyday that its almost scary to even want to have a sexual relationship with someone other than your husband. And even with your husband or wife, its seems as if you almost have to take precautions because adultery & divorce are both real and happen to millions of people. I see things totally different. Yes, I have been in a few relationships at which I've hurt and have gotten hurt and yes, I have been surrounded by people who are on the verge of divorce and have problems in their relationships/marriages, BUT....I still believe that God WILL grant me the desires of my heart if my ways are pleasing to him.

Some people cannot see the light at the end of a dark tunnel because they've been deadened with negativity, unhealthy relationships, and blinded by negativity for way too long. Just because every relationship that such and such has been in didn't work, doesn't mean that mine won't work. Just because you've been in an abusive relationship, doesn't mean that every relationship will be that way. Many of us forget that everything God allows has purpose behind it, therefore, God may be allowing people to fall back into bad relationships because he's trying to get their attention to show them that its a MUST they consult with him first on everything. Going through pain, suffering, emotional and physical distress, and being depressed each and every day is NOT God's will for us. Many of the things we encounter are brought on by ourselves because we did not seek God's face FIRST and then WAIT patiently on him to answer. If we did, he would have told us that Boonsheka/Mary Beth & Lil' Ray Ray/Johnny were not who he designed us to be with. But because we wanted to do our own thing & be disobedient, consequences followed our actions.

So I said all of that to say this, even when you feel your lowest and as if God has forgotten about you, I encourage you to hang in there and continue to wait on him as if your life depended on it. Don't give up in the fight. Even though evil is always present, I know without a shout of a doubt that God is preparing, molding, and shaping my husband to be who God specifically needs him to be for me. I know he's looking for me and I surely want to be found. Yes, I'm human and it does get frustrating sometimes because I consider myself to be more than a wonderful catch, but I'm also reminded that because of that, God won't allow me to be with just "no anybody" because I deserve better. Amazing things take time to carefully construct, and the same goes with things and people. I don't want anything prematurely, but only when God is ready to give it to me. With that being said Lord, I'll continue to wait on you knowing that everrrrrrrything I've gone through will certainly be worth it in the end. Thanks in advance God for what you're about to do & the husband you're about to send me :-)
A guy I know said that God was creating an imperfect man, perfectly for me! I love that!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Emotions will SURELY make you cry sometimes!

Soooooooo.....lately I've been on an emotional roller coaster. Some days I'm up, some days I'm down. Some days I make a sudden turn, then some days my emotions take a sudden plunge only to be quickly raised again. I just don't why my emotions have been so crazy lately. I can cry, laugh, be frustrated, excited, and encouraged ALL in one day....and then be all of those things in reverse the next day, lol. I don't recall ever being like this in my life, especially for this long anyways. I understand that its not all bad because experiencing emotions is a good thing being that you're human. But I also understand the importance of not allowing your emotions to make decisions for you and that the spirit of the Lord is what we should be listening to. *shrugs & sighs*....I don't know what it is. So many things have been happening & changes that I'm not used to have been made. Maybe that's what it is...I'm just not used to it. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for it ALL and I STILL count it all Joy! I must remember that if God allows situations to happen, then there is PURPOSE behind it.

Have your emotions taken a wild ride lately??? Can you relate to any of the faces below? At least 3 in one day?? LOL!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Another Friday night...(insert *sigh*)......ALONE

So, I find myself on yet another Friday night alone in the comfort & privacy of my own home. While that is just fine and dandy, I sometimes wish I could be out on a date....with a GUY, lol! Oh gosh, it feels so funny letting basically the whole world know that, but hey its the truth. Its one thing to go out by yourself and another thing to go out with family and/or friends for a nice time, but it would be pretty cool to be in the presence of great company from the opposite sex. Nothing big and fancy, just a nice time laughing, holding great conversation, eating scrumptious food, and smiling from ear to ear. I know its coming though cause God wouldn't dare leave his "girl" out to shrivel up & die! *kidding*. But seriously, especially coming up to Valentine's Day, you hear of so many people going out of town, going out on dates, and trying to find the perfect gift and way to say I LOVE YOU. I personally LIKE Valentine's Day, though you should tell your significant other how much you love them daily. I don't see anything wrong with setting that day aside to show extra love. Some people say its overrated and others do it just for show without genuine interest, but that's them ya' know? When my future hubby comes along, I know he is going to keep me company and we aren't going to want to leave each other's side, lol. It may be a bit far-fetched, but hey....I can think what I want ey'? Lol! I sometimes picture myself with him, let's say on a Friday night, ordering pizza, playing a game or two of Scrabble, watching a movie, and just laughing & joking the night away, only to wake up the next morning to breakfast in bed....*sighs*. I can only imagine and you know what???....I'm BELIEVING God for that & then some!!!! It just sucks sometimes to be alone, but I know my wait will be well worth it after while. For now, I'll just let this Mayonnaise Hair Treatment sit on my head (I will make a post about that soon) while I order either Chinese or Pizza......AGAIN, lol!!!....and with my pink, green, blue, & purple frog pajamas on, lol!!! A hot mess.....smh!

LOLLLLLLLL!!! I thought this was funny! It won't be like this forever! *crosses fingers*

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My LOVE Language....

 Okay, I've taken this test before but kind of forgot what my #1 Love Language was, so I decided to take it again. While watching Bible Study online from my 2nd church home in TN, it dawned on me that I needed to find out what my love language was again. The teaching was on love, and how AGAPE LOVE is the most important because in doing so, you love without limits, a*k*a- UNCONDITIONALLY. Often times relationships don't work out because #1- they aren't ordained by God, and #2- both individuals don't necessarily know HOW to love their partner, among other things. What works for one may not work for the next, and its important that we each know the love language for those special people in our lives so that we can meet their needs to feel loved, whether family, friends, or partners. 

The test can be taken if you're married, single, a parent, a child, etc. Click HERE to take your test & encourage the ones you love to do so as well so that you can be in tune with one another, lol!
My #1 Love Language is.....
Words of Affirmation (10)
Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

Quality Time (8)
Receiving Gifts (7)
Acts of Service (3)
Physical Touch (2)

.......and I couldn't agree more, lol! So whenever my *future hubby* comes along, I would love for him to take the test as well so that I can see where he feels loved the most. If his is Quality Time and mine remains Words of Affirmation, then we both can strive to do more for one another on those terms to feel appreciated and loved. 



Late Hour Chat....

You know, God is so good! While up after 2 a.m. eating pizza (I know, that's baaaad....very, very baaaad, lol!), surfing the net, and listening to Youtube videos, I had to take a moment to tell God 'thank you'. Then I was instructed to read a devotional at which basically answered something I had been struggling very hard with lately. PRAISE GOD! God has such a way of getting our attention and answering our prayers. No one else compares to him. I bless him that even despite of myself, he STILL sees the need to bless me with more blessings than I can stand. I don't understand it, but I'm grateful. As I take look around  me, I see just how blessed I am. I may not have the best of the best, but I have enough. What I have may be considered the "best" in the eyes of someone who has nothing. How dare I complain???? Lord, please forgive me for thinking so selfishly sometimes.

Y'all....God is simply amazing. I must admit, January was very rocky for me, but I know there is a reason I endured what I did. I'm stronger than I think I am. If I told people everything that happens in my life, they would not believe me based off the "outside". That's why we hear the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover!". And that's why my blog description reads: WHAT YOU SEE IS ONLY A % OF ME....because its so true! 

On a much lighter note, lol, this pizza is sooo good. My favorite is straight up cheese pizza & I'm washing it down with a cold cup of Strawberry-Lemonade Koolaid....gosh, I know this is NOT a great food combo at this time of the night/morning. I'm such a night owl, lol. Its still early for me but I'm about to get my Zzzzzs in just a minute. Just wanted to come on & do a quick blog post of what I was doing & thinking. By the way, I also praise God for the orders of body butter that came in today! He's yet opening doors. Sometimes I don't want him to, but my ways are not his, lol. I just want to be obedient even if it requires me shutting up & just doing it! SHOP ~LOVE, NINA~ NATURAL BODY BUTTERS if you'd like to make a purchase! I'll do a post about this new venture soon. Anywho.....those were just my thoughts. PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Wife Before The Comittment. The Ring. The Ceremony. The License.

Hmph. This is something that only a few people knew about. On my quest towards "transparency" and being open with my readers about who I am, yes, even I played the role of wife though I'm not one. If you're still clueless as to what this means, let me simplify it a bit.....
I acted & played the role of a WIFE in a relationship to a young man that I was only a "girlfriend/boo thang/provider" to. And yes, I said PROVIDER when it should have been the other way around. During that time, as I performed what I knew to be "wifely duties", I knew it wasn't right. Because I loved this guy soooo much & wanted to show him that I cared if no one else ever did, I lessened my worth with each action I did all in the name of what I "thought" was LOVE. Yep, I loved him with EVERYTHING I had. When I say everything, I mean everything. From my money, to my car, to my home, to his family, to jeopardizing my relationship with God.....everything. I would put him first before I would consult with God, and that is one of THE most dangerous things you could ever do. I was infatuated with who I "thought" he was. Even when he messed up, did me wrong, etc., I still loved him through it all because you know, that's what WIVES do!

I mean, there was nothing wrong with cooking, cleaning, giving him money, making sure his clothes were ironed, that he was kept up to date with the latest guy fashions, paying for his dinner, keeping him satisfied,&  assuring him that he was THE man (amongst other things) RIGHT? Now don't get me wrong, he wasn't a bad person, he just made some messed up decisions & had a heck of a way of showing his "love". I mean, he actually TOLD me that he didn't want to be with me, but because I "loved" him so much, I just knew he was playing, didn't mean what he was saying, & wasn't focused....that's why I stayed right there doing what I knew to do to keep him happy! I mean, I just knew he would come around one day because a girl like "me" is SO hard to find. I was going to be right there when God finally gave him an epiphany. I mean no one, not any other girl was going to do for him, cook for him, love him, and be there for him like I Yeah RIGHT Shenina! When I look back on it now, I just shake my head and say, THANK YOU LORD! Dude, what was I thinking??? #growthandmaturity

The more I grew with him, the more I became comfortable with what I was doing, almost believing that this was "normal". And then one day, I decided to take my relationship with God a step further, unknowingly opening a door of escape for the current situation I was in. God's love surpasses all understanding, and the more God showed me that he was all I needed, he became ALL I WANTED! My relationship with him (God) meant more to me than the relationship I was in with this young man. So one day, after asking for the last time if he wanted to be with me and he replied, NO......I immediately said, THANK YOU LORD & left it all with him, starting my life as I knew it over again on a quest to find ME.

So ladies & gents, no man or woman can ever love you like God can! Its not of God to do things before our time because when we DO become married, we won't have much to look forward to. If you're shacking with someone who is not your husband/wife, STOP. If you're playing wifey or hubby before you actually make a commitment, get the ring, have a ceremony, & sign the marriage license, DON'T DO IT! Matter of fact, don't even call your significant other "wifey or hubby", lol. The people that most of us are currently with are not for us anyway, so why give a temporary person the satisfaction of having a "life-long title"? You must know that you are WORTH MORE! Its okay to be in a great relationship & do things for one another, don't get me wrong, but its not okay to do what wives and husbands do when you're just boyfriend & girlfriend. God doesn't approve, and if you want the person HE has for you, you're going to have to be a big girl and a big boy, make Godly decisions regardless of the outcome, walk in obedience, trust God, & just wait on him. The more I wait on God to mold MY husband just for ME, the more excited I become. I was told one reason I'm not approached by many guys & am not currently in a relationship is because loves me too much & is protecting my heart. Knowing that makes me proud to be one of God's "chosen ones" because I know my future husband will be worth the lonely, sleepless nights, the dateless nights (lol), the tears, frustrations, and more.

Being SINGLE is not a disease! Its is not a plague! It is not something that should be banned. Being single is actually a great thing because you have TIME to do the things you want to do, go places you want to go, & more. I don't want to be married "wishing" I was single. That is NOT of God! When its your time, you will know. Seek God's face, & the rest is history. Below is what I shared on my facebook status earlier & is the inspiration behind this post. I pray it helps someone! The next man that EVER gets to have ALL of me will be my husband, because he & ONLY he will be worthy enough. :-) God bless you!

"I just saw something that reminded me of my WORTH. I used to date a guy who I was completely in love with. It wasn't a patty cake love either, but a sincere, genuine, unconditional, love. I was a "wife" before my time. He "appeared" to be all I desired & then some and I "thought" I was the luckiest woman alive to have a guy like "him" be interested in a girl like "me". But as I became more aware of how much GOD really loves me, I noticed that what I was feeling from him wasn't love at all. I gave more than he did. I spoke Life into him more than he did me. I found myself going above & beyond, pushing him to be the best he could be while I wasn't even being nudged at all.

The more I remained in the relationship, the more God revealed to me that--- "Baby, you are WORTH more than this! I am the ONLY example of what it means & how it feels to be loved like you're supposed to be. His love will never amount to mine, but when he's sent by "ME", it will be the closest thing you'll ever have. That's why you must WAIT on me to give you the man that "I" have for you! Anything that comes from me is worth the wait!" So I bless God that I was given the opportunity to see what love is NOT so that I may recognize what true love IS! So even in our singleness, ladies & gents, we must seek God's face like never before because we deserve to be loved the RIGHT way.

If you're currently in a relationship that you know God doesn't approve of, GET OUT OF IT! If its not of God, it will not work! That may sound harsh, but its the truth! I only want what he desires. Nothing else matters :-) ~♥ Nina"

Monday, February 6, 2012


In a world full of chaos, GOD IS STILL GOOD! While we may think there are so many things to complain about, there are actually even more things to be grateful for! So despite the things you face, you have to encourage yourself & press on with a heart, mind, & spirit of sincere, genuine GRATEFULNESS. I bless the wonderful name of Jesus for the things he's done for me & pray that he will continue to keep me protected. This is what I'm grateful for RIGHT NOW.....

I'm grateful for PEACE
I'm grateful for LIFE
I'm grateful for SECOND CHANCES
I'm grateful for WISDOM & LOVE
I'm grateful for ENCOURAGEMENT
I'm grateful for LIFE'S STRUGGLES
I'm grateful for HUMBLENESS
I'm grateful for a "BOUNCE BACK" SPIRIT

What is one thing you're grateful for today? Before you start to complain, count your blessings & you'll be amazed! Someone's child didn't wake up this morning. Someone's husband/wife didn't come home last night. Someone lost their entire family in a fire. Someone is sleeping under a bridge right now begging for food. Someone is in the hospital with no hope. Someone is sitting behind a jail cell. Someone just got in an accident and lost their life. Regardless of how tough our situations may "appear", they actually could be worse! Throwing pity parties for yourself & staying down in the dumps about life's difficulties is not going to help you solve the problem. Everything you need is already inside of you. No, life isn't going to always be peaches & cream, BUT it is worth living because greater is your reward for trusting & obeying God! Be grateful this day for your life & those that continue to support & love you. There are so many things to be grateful for, and no matter what situation you're in , you must continue giving God the praise & the glory because he loves you & so do I! Be encouraged. Be blessed! Check out all of my GRATITUDE JOURNAL entries HERE

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been gone wayyyyy tooooo lonnnnng! The month of January has been busy, a little confusing, frustrating, eye-opening, joyful, and life changing for me. I truly would like to thank those who took the time to see how I was doing, and it really means a lot to me! I am doing well and learning to adjust to the new changes that have taken place. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be sharing some of the things I would like to be done concerning this blog, so please stay tuned. I pray that you all have been doing awesome & that 2012 has been a blessing so far! I hope you guys haven’t left me, lol, but Lord’s willing, I plan to be back, stronger, and better than ever before! God still has great things in store for us all. Thanks again for all of your prayers, support, & encouragement!!!!!!! With God, we will always SHINE! 
I'm continuing to PRESS TOWARDS THE MARK! Be right back.......(lol)!