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Monday, October 31, 2011

So let it WHIP! (Body Butter that is, lol!)

A FRESH batch of delicious body butter :-) Spread this creamy goodness on your skin today!!!!
You thought butter was good on rolls, well you haven't tried anything until you've tried it on your SKIN! No silly, I'm not talking about butter that you cook with, but my one-of-a-kind, all NATURAL, healing, soothing, moisturizing, softening & conditioning BODY BUTTER (back by popular demand for those who have been inquiring)!

While I'm preparing & getting some things in place with the business, you can still get your holiday orders in now by either contacting me here or emailing me at You can even get your order *personalized* to fit your needs. Give a gift that says alot & purchase a handmade goodie today! Let me create something special for you! Once we've discussed your order, I will then email you an invoice via PayPal!

>>All payments will be accepted either in person or via Paypal (a secured website) Please allow 7-11 days to receive your order!<<

At this time, these are the sizes & fragrances I have available:

8 oz.- $8.50
16 oz.- $12.50

Shipping & handling:
If your order is between $0-$15.00.... ($5.00 S&H)
$16.00+......($7.50 S&H)

Creme Brulee (Sweet)
Vanilla Bake (Sweet)
Cool Citrus Basil (Clean)
Lemon-Berry (fruity) (I'VE BEEN WIPED OUT OF LEMON-BERRY, lol)
Georgia Peach (fruity)
Cucumber & Ivy (Earthy/Clean)
CoCo Mango (fruity)
Pear Glace (fruity)

When commenting or emailing, please tell me your desired quantity!


**STAY TUNED! The best is YET to come!** IT IS SO!

~Love, NINA

This smells DIVINE, and will feel even better on your skin!

Sending ALL of my love your way! Allow this body butter's natural ingredients to moisturize, heal, and soften your skin! ~LOVE, Nina


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NO TITLE......

I don't have that much to ramble about, but I just want to say THANK YOU LORD! As I say that, tears come to my eyes because he's been SO SO SOOOOO good to me & mine. Even through my shortcomings, when I fall, when I don't praise him, when I don't read & pray as I should, when I don't witness to others, and when I don't feel like acknowledging him, HE STILL FAVORS ME! I just don't get it. Without God I'm nothing, yet and still he calls me FRIEND! That overwhelms me as the song says, lol. Even now, thoughts from today's events are racing through my mind. I don't understand why some things happened the way they did, and I don't even understand why I feel the way I do, but I BLESS and TRUST God through it all! He is awesome and I'll never, ever be able to repay him for what he's done. I believe he's going to work out each and every situation I'm facing, seen and unseen. I've never been through a storm that didn't pass over, and I know he's an ON TIME God! Help me to be patient & have nothing but praise in my mouth Lord! He's going to stir up the gifts and provide what is needed. I appreciate God for what he's done, is doing, and will do. I can't thank him enough. No matter how hard I may try to leave, he's still there ready to accept me back with open arms. He's WORTHY of our praise. He's worthy of ALL GLORY and HONOR! I just pray that God continues to show me the error of my ways so that I may correct them in time. I just want to be real, raw, & relevant so that he can be pleased with my service. I just simply wanted to bless the Lord with a few words.

Thanks for reading :-)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Gratitude Journal

I am grateful for PEACE

I am grateful for NEW BEGINNINGS

I am grateful for SECOND CHANCES

I am grateful for LAUGHTER

I am grateful for CHANGE

I am grateful for REVELATIONS

I am grateful for EPIPHANIES

I am grateful for the SPIRIT OF DISCERNMENT

I am grateful for the HOLY SPIRIT

I am grateful for ME-SHENINA

Check out my last journal entry HERE!

What are YOU grateful for? Remember, whenever you want to give up & give in to the ways of the world or even be down about your current circumstances, I dare you to find at least 3 things you're grateful for. When you focus more on what you DO have instead of what you don't, you'll realize that things aren't as bad as they seem! PRAISE GOD!

Thanks for reading :-)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Early Morning Chat

When a relationship's time is UP....its just that.....UP! There are many people that I've come into contact with whom I "thought" I had an awesome connection with, but as time progressed, I began to see that they weren't FOR me. Not saying they did anything wrong, but some people are only meant to be in your life for a reason & maybe ONE season! Regardless of how they may appear on the outside, its what's in their heart that matters. Some people put on a really good show, but their hearts aren't right! Don't be fooled by what you "see". Just because things are going right at first doesn't mean it will last. That's why its so important to seek God FIRST before forming bonds in relationships and friendships. But ohhhh I thank God for those that chose to leave my life because he certainly knows whats best for me! God will sometimes allow people to swing on by to teach us a lesson & to show us who they "really" are. I'm sure some people may feel the same way about me, and that's fine because they are entitled to their own opinion just as I am. But we have to just roll with the punches of life & accept the fact that every relationship isn't for our good! When I get certain "feelings" about people, they are typically correct (discernment). I read somewhere today that this season we are in is all about relationships, and I truly believe that because alot of people have shown me who they truly are! We must learn to just LET FOLKS GO & let the chips fall where they may! Just because a person may be good to one doesn't mean that they are good for YOU!*just thoughts* ~♥ Nina

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fight like a GIRL! (Breast Cancer Awareness)

I could not let October pass by without sharing just a few things about Breast Cancer. Though there are many cancers out there that everyone should be aware of, Breast Cancer is the 2nd most common type of "deathly" cancer among women & awareness of this should definitely be raised. Here is a bit of information about breast cancer that is WORTH reading:

What is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a tumor (a mass of abnormal tissue) within the breast. The majority of breast cancers begin in the milk ducts, however a small number start in the milk sacs or the lobes. Like other cancers, breast cancer if unchecked also has the ability to spread to different areas. The spread occurs mainly via the lymph ducts.
Who is at risk? Breast cancer is far more common in women than in men although men can also get breast cancer. Some women are at a particularly higher risk.
  • Age-risk of breast cancer increases with age.
  • Family history of breast cancer i.e. women whose mother, grandmothers, aunts or sisters have developed breast cancer, are at an increased risk.
  • Women, who previously had breast cancer, have a slightly higher chance of having breast cancer in the other breast.
  • Women who started their periods (menarche) at an earlier age (before 12 years).
  • Delayed childbearing, women who did not breast-feed their infants, or those who never had children.
  • Late menopause (after 50 years)
  • Obesity
  • Diet rich in animal fat.
It is important to mention here that even if several risk factors are present, if does not necessarily mean that cancer will develop in these cases. It is equally important to mention that 75% of women who develop breast cancer have no known risk factors.
What are the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer? In a majority of women breast cancer is first noticed as a lump in the breast. There are other important signs and symptoms.
  • Discharge from the nipple, particularly if blood stained.
  • Change in shape or size of breast.
  • Change in appearance of skin in a part of the breast.
  • Rash on the nipples or surrounding areas.
  • A lump or thickening inside the breast tissue.
  • Inversion or turning in of the nipple.
  • Swelling on the upper arm
  • Swelling in the armpit
How can Breast Cancer be diagnosed?
Being in an area, which is easily accessible, the importance of early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer cannot be over-emphasized. Early detection and treatment can provide an almost 100% cure.
  • Breast Self Examination (BSE) is important as it helps the patient to detect any changes occurring in her breast by herself. All women should be taught how to do a breast self-examination. However it is reassuring to note that all lumps in the breast are not cancerous, though one must check out with the doctor, when a lump is suspected.
  • A Mammogram is an X-ray of the breast using a specially designed machine and is very useful in early diagnosis.
  • Besides BSE every woman over 40 years must have Physical Examination of the breast done by a doctor, as part of the annual check up program.
Following a clinical examination a Biopsy is the only definite way of confirming or ruling out breast cancer in suspected cases. A piece of breast tissue is taken for testing; this can be done by inserting a needle into the Breast (FNAC-fine needle aspiration cytology), or by an operation under local or general anesthesia. A pathologist then examines the breast tissue under the microscope to check for cancer cells.

Below is a picture of how to do a 
Self-Breast Examination:
Breast cancer is 100% curable/treatable only IF it is found in the beginning stages! Ladies (and men), let's do self examinations & get wellness checkups frequently! Warning does come before destruction (I'm taking my own advice, lol!), and God wants us to LIVE! My prayer is that all women (and men) & their families who are currently battling this cancer will have peace, strength, and comfort during this time. I also pray that a cure will be found one day. I bless God & believe that thousands will be healed in the 
I love this! I think its cute & it definitely grabs your attention! It is simply saying FEEL YOUR BREASTS for lumps & any other abnormalities!
Thanks for reading! Pass the information... 

Monday, October 17, 2011


You know, the enemy wants to take God's children out realllllllly bad! Many of us are giving in & giving him the satisfaction. Some of the things we go through are indeed self inflicted, some of the things we go through are tests from God, and of course, some of the things we go through come strictly from the enemy himself. Regardless of the matter, PASS THE TEST! God is calling us to OBEDIENCE! We cannot and will not enter into the kingdom of heaven based off of "good deeds" alone, for we have to live righteously according to God's will and plan for our lives. Trials and tribulations only come to make us STRONGer and they shouldn't tear us down to shreds. God didn't design for us to be defeated, but all VICTORY is found in him! Yes, God allows some things to happen in our lives that seem unbearable, but its only because he is building our character and actually showing us that he loves us just as a mother/father would to their child when they have done wrong. God will allow that car that he said we didn't need anyways, but still got it out of disobedience, to be taken away or even wrecked, he will take that boyfriend/girlfriend away from us that we felt we'd never live without because we gave them more time than him (for he is a jealous God), and he will allow the enemy to shake and stir us up in order to see where our faith truly lies.....but we still have the ability to PASS THE TEST! 

We pass our tests by facing the matters at hand and never leaving God's side, no matter how difficult the situations and circumstances "appear" to be. We pass our tests by trusting in God to see us through every problem, even the ones we've gotten ourselves into, and we pass our tests by learning from them & using them for God's glory! God loves us & wants us to prosper in every way. Stop moping around sad, angry, depressed, jealous, and bitter! Take your situations and fight light a champ. You don't have time to sit around and wait on your change to come (so to say), because you still have work to do. Even in the midst of difficult times in your life, you have to bless & praise God in season and out of season. Through your tears, BLESS GOD, through your pain, BLESS GOD, through your hurt and confusion, BLESS GOD! He will work it out. Be obedient to his will, be mindful of the things you say and do, and see things with your spiritual instead of natural eyes and spirit. Tests come to make us will you pass yours or flunk out?

Thanks for reading!
Don't give up on God because he won't & hasn't given up on YOU! Pass the test with flying colors and watch God continue to work it all out for you! Be obedient to him, remain in him, and continue to serve and work through him. He loves you & so do I...please don't leave his side! God bless you!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


How are you doing in the challenge? Are you being obedient to God & seeking him in all areas of your life? Are you verbally speaking those things that are currently not as if they were already so? When you speak them, are you believing that they will come to pass and that God will deliver? If not, that's okay! If you have been but are currently slacking, then that's okay too! We just have to pick ourselves up where we fell & keep going strong. So I challenge you to keep your faith even if circumstances don't show themselves favorable right now. You gotta see it, before you see it, or you never will see it! *think about it*

As for me, I've been doing pretty good. The majority of my challenge will probably be done via facebook, but I will periodically update everyone with my [INTO THE ATMOSPHERE] declarations collectively. So far, this is what I've been speaking & believe God to do. Please share what you've been speaking lately if you desire! If not, keep going strong & stay focused. We have a mission to accomplish with our MOUTHS! AMEN! :-)

My nieces, nephews, & little cousins will be somebody great! They will accomplish all of their goals, be respectful, caring, & loving, and they will be successful in everything they do. They will be leaders in high places, and will be great role models and examples to all they come into contact with. They will their lives fully & make great decisions, always putting God first! IT IS SO!

 Every person that sincerely seeks after the heart of God and desires to do & obey his will daily will be blessed with more blessings than they can stand! No devil in hell can touch them! IT IS SO!

One of a few houses that I will OWN! IT IS SO!


Saturday, October 8, 2011


Glory be to God!!!!!! I am so happy & overjoyed right now that God allowed me to write & post my 100th POST! So happy that I can't even enjoy my favorite food (Chicken Strips!!!!!) from Church's Chicken for trying to type this post, ROTFLMBO! This blog has helped me in more ways than one! I have a REASON to celebrate because not only has it helped me to find my purpose, but it has helped others through some of the toughest times in their lives...and for that, I am MORE than grateful! I pray that God continues to bless this blog, bless the posts, bless my mind, my hands & my thoughts. I pray a covering over myself that I will only operate & say things via the spirit and not the flesh- "NINA". I pray that even the haters, the enemies, and the naysayers find something that will bless their souls and lives. I also pray that whomever decides to read my posts & comment on them be blessed & granted favor over their lives! Hallelujah! IT IS SO! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST ME SHALL PROSPER! FOR AT THE NAME OF JESUS, DEMONS TREMBLE & HAVE TO FLEE! AMEN. (I had to get in der' y'all....sorry, lol!) God has given me so many revelations, so much strength, & so much inspiration over the last few weeks. I've fasted, prayed, cried, praised, and more. Now God's glory is about to manifest in my life, and I bless him for it!

So in honor of my 100th post, I would like to challenge myself & YOU to SPEAK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE MORE! From now until the end of 2011, I want to speak those things that are currently not as if they were so even MORE than I have already! This challenge will be based off of the following scriptures (note- its not enough to speak & believe, but we must be obedient to God FIRST in order for this challenge to work EFFECTIVELY. Why would God bless us & give us what we are "speaking" if we aren't being obedient? Give him your entire self FIRST so that he can provide what you desire to come to pass....
-think about it-): 

Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 12-13~ "(1)If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. (2)All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God....(12) The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none! (13) The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom!"

Psalm 34:10~ "The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing!"

Isaiah 1:19~ "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land..."

II Corinthians 5:7~ "We live by faith, not by site!"

Hebrews 11:1, 6~ " (1)Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see! (6) And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

Matthew 6:33~ "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well!"

Malachi 3:10~ "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it!"

Romans 8:28~ "For God causes all things to work together for the good of them that love God and are called according to his purpose for them!"

Psalm 37:4~ "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."

Speak those things that are currently not as if they were already SO! Speak them into the atmosphere....meaning, speak them out LOUD & MEAN them! You must have faith that they will come to pass! Example: I AM BLESSED...MY FAMILY IS TAKEN CARE OF...I WILL SUCCEED....I WILL NOT GIVE UP, I SPEAK LIFE...I SPEAK LOVE, PEACE, & JOY, etc. You can say whatever the spirit of the Lord lays upon your heart. Speak things [INTO THE ATMOSPHERE] morning, noon, & night, whenever the Lord speaks to your spirit! If you are an avid facebook user, start off your statuses with [INTO THE ATMOSPHERE]:____________________ and declare some things! If you are a blogger, I encourage you to do occasional posts entitled: INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. If you'd like to participate in the challenge here, feel FREE to speak [INTO THE ATMOSPHERE] here by commenting with your declarations! Regardless of how many times you speak it, just do it, obey God, believe & trust in him....and WATCH him work it out! I will be posting occasional [INTO THE ATMOSPHERE] posts, so if you're led, please share this post & blog with others whether its through twitter or even facebook!

Here's my first:

[INTO THE ATMOSPHERE]: I will hire teenagers & interns who were told & even think they'd never be anything to work within all of my businesses in one way or another. That way, they will be able to earn income & receive great, professional work experience all the while positively building their confidence, character, and morals! IT IS SO!

If you are participating, please leave a comment so I'll know who to stand in agreement with & specifically pray for...if you desire! If you are participating & would like to remain anonymous, then that is fine as well! I pray that God will bless us all with the desires of our heart...but we must FIRST obey him! That is key! Thanks for reading my 100th post & being apart of what God has ordained! He's not through with me yet....the BEST IS YET TO COME!

This is our *official* CHALLENGE SONG! Let it minister to your heart as you SPEAK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE! IT IS SO...AMEN.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Baby, you gotta' BELIEVE!

What is one thing you'd like to do but feel as if you don't have the resources, including finances to do it? *think about it for a moment*, what if I told you that the very thing you just thought about can be SO? Would you BELIEVE me?....

Many of us "sit" on our blessings due to a lack of belief! We don't believe in ourselves and we don't believe that God WILL make our dreams, goals, aspirations, visions, etc. a reality. Belief, faith, & trust go hand in hand. In order to have faith, you must first believe that God is able & trust him enough to see your visions come to past and vice versa. No matter what order you try to put those three words together, they still work!

So what's stopping you from believing that God will make what you deem impossible, possible? Is it your lack of faith....or your lack of trust....or is it simply YOU? You ARE ARE destined for ARE are WORTHY are NOT what you did! Get that in your spirit & believe that God can make the crooked straight. Don't allow anyone to steal your confidence.God specializes in things that are impossible! I encourage you right now to pray about those things you'd like to do. Whether you'd like to open a business, write a book, or even go back to is POSSIBLE! For God is a way maker...but in order for you to believe that, you must practice FAITH! Will you go around faithless forever? If you have no have nothing because God is the one who makes all things possible. If you don't believe he makes all things possible, then you are just "here". 

My prayer for you is that you begin to increase your faith, belief, and trust in God. When you trust God, you give him your all, including your worries, doubts, frustrations, and fears. After you've trusted him, step out on faith. Even if you don't fully succeed at that "thing" you thought about at the beginning of this post, you will still find relief in knowing that you tried and won't be apart of the "what if" crowd. Believe God & watch him work it out! I'm praying for you :-) Nothing beats a failure but a try! You'll never know what you're good at or even purposed to do if you don't exercise your faith. BELIEVE GOD today! 
Now praise him like its already done! AMEN.

I'm stepping out on faith & want you to take the journey with me! Don't get left behind because of your unbelief! Trust God today & make the necessary preparations to move FORWARD in your destiny. No one is stopping you but YOU! You gotta' believe baby! :0) ~Nina

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ooooo girl.....your HAIR! (Progress pics)

Lol! That title is funny. Anywho, here is my hair update. So far, so good. I started back taking my Biotin pills about 3 almost 4 months ago & I've gotten better with scalp massages & the detangling process with my hair. Its become much easier now that I've been washing in the shower as opposed to piling my hair on the top of my head and trying to wash it in the sink. I'm still using my own concoctions, lol, and my regimen is very simple: WASH, CONDITION, MOISTURIZE, & SEAL. Below are the pictures of my hair's progress so far & you can see my last progress pictures HERE! If you've recently cut your hair off, or just have a problem with it ENCOURAGED! It will grow & become healthier, you just have to take more time out to give it some TLC :-) Need help? Contact me!

Partial blow-out for a length check.

My ends need trimming SO bad! I know at least 2-3 inches are coming off :-(

Woot, wooot! Got a little

Look a' here! Look at that pony-tail compared to the last time...


LOL! Oooo laa-laaaaa....
Freshly washed hair- no product.

Cute hairstyle

Cute hairstyle

It has TRULY grown!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

VIDEO inspiration :-) LIVE ON PURPOSE!

 A few nights ago, I came across this video from the BronzeGoddess01 on youtube! She is the TRUTH y'all. I so enjoy watching her as she humbly helps, encourages, inspires, and gives wholesome, relevant, Godly advice. She allows God to work through her in more ways than one. If you haven't subscribed to her channel, then please do so. The video will speak for itself. Please watch. It has not only helped me, but each and every person that has watched it. Thanks!!!!!!!

Lord, we need you!

So, there have been many tragic, unfortunate, violent events that have recently happened in my beautiful hometown over the last few years. I personally believe that one of the reasons everyone is in an uproar is because we aren't really used to that. Of course, people have died but they have mainly been older adults. Now, the age group that is fading away quickly is between 15-35! From various fights & a stabbing due to bullying at my old high school- to my neighborhood/surrounding areas being robbed, & innocent bystanders being shot, the community is in need of prayer, renewal, & transformation. Many people were on facebook giving their opinions of the event last night, some getting angry, upset, and more over two young men that shot one another. I know one died, not sure if the other lived. Regardless, it took a toll on us all I believe. People have said what we "should" do as a community, and I truly believe that things are going to begin to change, but its going to take a collective effort & obedience to God. And there were even some people that seemed "angry" that others were speaking their minds. Even I gave my $.02 about the issue (and I don't do that very often, lol) because I felt as if people were just yippidy yapping away & not really thinking about the message they were trying to convey. Say what you will, but unless you are part of the solution, you're apart of the problem! Its so easy to get caught up and wrapped up in others opinions that we miss the main point. I too should have just talked less & prayed more at that time, so forgive me God! At the end of the day, to rectifiy this problem both here & in communities everywhere, prayer & obedience is KEY! 
I personally would like to get involved in one way or another with doing something so the violence will at least decrease in my community, but I don't want to bust a move until GOD SAYS SO! Its so easy to pop off at the mouth about what needs to be done, who needs to do it, how it needs to be done...etc. etc. etc., but if God didn't say do it like that or like this, then it shouldn't be done! So to kick things off, I'm going to be participating in a cooperate fast that one of my beautiful sisters in Christ started via facebook, from 12 noon- 6 p.m. today for my community. I truly believe that God is changing some things around right now as I type this! He knows exactly what he's doing and we just need to hear what he's trying to say. So if you are reading this post, I just ask that you stop and take a minute to pray for all of our communities. Pray that our youth & adults be protected from the enemy and that peace will reign supreme. God bless. Thank you!

Please recite this prayer if you desire:

Dear Heavenly Father, we need you right now more than ever. The violence, the crime, the bullying, the rapes, the robberies, the hate, the depression, the anger and more have become too much to fathom. The enemy wants to take us all out one by one and he's yet seeking whom he can devour next. But we know that as long as you are acknowledged first, then all will be well. Forgive us for sitting back in good health and not doing a thing to help bring peace in our homes and communities. Help us to become actively involved by doing something, even if its just setting aside 5 minutes out of our day to pray for more than just ourselves. Protect us from the bullets, the addictions, the violence, the gangs, accidents, and more that would have us to leave prematurely. Help us to be obedient to your Word and your will father God. We need your peace, your spirit, your comfort, your deliverance, your forgiveness, and your love to shower down on us so that we may take the steps needed towards solutions. Be with us today, tomorrow, and forevermore. We love you father and praise your holy name! Things will change for the good. AMEN.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Birthday Gift To You! (Earring giveaway!!!!)


So in honor of my birthday which was October 3 (#teamlibra, lol)....I would love to be a blessing to someone else just as God has been a tremendous blessing to me! I have been thinking about it for a week now, so I knew now would be the perfect time to give just a little something away. One of the things that I absolutely love the most are EARRINGS (check out part of my earring collection HERE). I have to have on a pair everyday, even if I'm lounging around in the house or just taking out the trash, lol! But to show my appreciation for those that took the time out to wish me a happy and blessed birthday, I'd love to give away just a few pairs of earrings that I recently purchased & have never worn. Below are the details of the giveaway if you desire to enter! Thanks for reading & for all of the love and support shown! Blessings to ya' :0)

#1 (HAPPY)




 Giveaway details.....

1. You must be an official follower of my blog! To become an "official" follower, please click on the "Join this site/become a follower" tab underneath FOLLOWERS on the right.

2. Comment here underneath this post with which pair of earrings you'd like to win ( you will win both pair). Example: I'd love to win pair #2 (Birthday) OR I'd love to win pair #1 (Happy)

THREE winners will be chosen! You may only enter once. The deadline will be midnight, October 4 & all entries will be assigned a number & the winners will be determined by! The announcement will be made here so check back to see if you've been blessed! Good luck!

Growing another year older never looked or felt so good! :-)

Monday, October 3, 2011



Phenomenal Woman~ MAYA ANGELOU

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,