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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Change of plans....

Howdy do??!!! About a month or so ago I asked those who read my blog to contact me if they'd like to be featured on it (read the post HERE). While I still plan to incorporate other things into my blog such as spotlighted members/followers, other opinions, views, thoughts, and more, for now, it will be on hold. I want to do things decently & in order and now is not the appropriate time. When God gives me the GREEN LIGHT, then I will update everyone. I'd still love to have those that desire their voice to be heard here in due time. In the meantime, enjoy reading my previous posts & leave a comment or two if you are led. WELCOME to all of my new followers & readers, I really appreciate your support & feedback. I pray that you find something here that will benefit your life...that's my ultimate goal as you learn more about me! God bless :-)


Friday, June 24, 2011

BRA alert...BRA alert...BRA alert!

Hey ladies (and hey men for those that have a special lady in their lives they wanted to see LIFTed, hahaha)! I received an email a few days ago about the semi-annual bra sale that Lane Bryant now has going on that I thought some would be interested in. I'm not sure exactly when the sale will leave, but its worth looking into!

Ladies, if you are heavier up top (like me), it is VITAL that we wear bras that support all of our beautiFULLness...One thing I despise is seeing women who are not properly supported up top. Because we are more full-figured, we must make sure that we do what we have to in order that we look presentable. I have fallen in love with the bras from Lane Bryant and they cater not only to plus-sized ladies, but some average and petite sizes as well. They are comfortable, cute, & support me really well.

They have a sale going on now where you can buy two bras and get two free (of equal or lesser value). I also came across a coupon for $25 off a total purchase of $75 or more, $50 off $150, and $75 off $225 (use COUPON CODE: 015007339 at online checkout)! Not bad at all. So after purchasing 2 bras myself ($70+) and getting 2 free PLUS using the coupon, I came out only spending like $66 (plus $7 s&h). That is a great deal for quality undergarments that will help you to look even better than you do now! I'm not sure when this will end, so hop on it now if you are able...or better yet, be a blessing to someone in need!!!!! :-)

USE COUPON CODE: 015007339 at checkout for purchases of $75.00 or more

Spread the word ladies and thanks for reading as always :-)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hate on me...HATER!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I normally do not waste time talking about having "haters" or what it takes for someone to be a "hater" because I feel it is so irrelevant to what I'm trying to do, and what I currently have going on in my life. Personally, the word "hate" is so strong to me and I dislike using it. For the record, I am not talking about having haters "personally", but I want to share with you some reasons as to why you may have them and what characteristics they may display! I've come to recognize that we all have at least one hater in our lives whether you/they are young or old, so to help both you and I, we need to be aware of the "haters", and before one passes judgment, read this post in its entirety.....

Did you know that Jesus had haters? Yep, he surely did! His "HATERS" mocked him, nailed him to a cross, spit on him, and called him all kind of names but a child of God...yet and still, he continued on. So what makes us think that we won't/don't have them? Let's get REAL! A hater, as defined by the Urban Dictionary (2011) is, "A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person." The word hater is also an, "Overused word that people like to use just because someone else expresses a dislike for a certain individual." Now simply put, a "hater" is a person that is simply not happy for you and always tries to knock down what you have going on. You can be awesome at what you do, but a "hater" will always point out the bad in it all because they don't want to see you shine.

Treat those that misuse you, kindly. Fighting fire with fire doesn't put it out, it only makes it worse! Be the change that you want to see :-)
So why are you making this post about HATERS Shenina? Well, I'm glad you asked! Lately, I've noticed alot of people who aren't sincerely happy for the next person's success or accomplishments. Instead of giving them a congratulations, a way to go, or even a hug to tell them that they're proud, they will purposely talk about them behind their back or even to their faces, and will keep all of their accolades to themselves instead of dishing them out freely. Does any of this sound familiar??? Well, it could be because YOU either have haters in your life, or truthfully may even be the HATER! Hating on me, you, or anyone else will get a person NO WHERE. The more you talk about people, the higher up they go! As our parents used to tell us, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it at all....that statement is so true!

Some of us even abuse the word hater! We think that everyone is "hating" on us because of what we have, how we look, what we do...blah blah blah. Truthfully speaking, not everyone is out to get you or better yet, hate on you! It may just be a confidence issue with you, and because you lack confidence, you feel better "assuming" that people are hating on what you have. I sometimes wish that the word can be erased from our minds because it is SO over-rated.

So, you will be hated upon if you decide to live for Christ, if you do good in school, if you're genuinely active in church, if you are good at what you do, if you're a nice, friendly person whom everyone likes, if you got it going on, making money, smiling, have nice shoes, a nice smile, a great position on your job, etc....and the list goes on and on! If you have haters in your life, beware! Haters will only pull you down if you allow them to. If you recognize a hater, then pray and ask God to show you how to deal with your hater...all the while allowing him to direct your paths! You don't have time to continue allowing those who aren't FOR you to be in your space. And if YOU are a hater, ask God to remove that hatefulness out of your heart. There is room for all of us to grow and get to the next level, yet we still are like crabs in a bucket that try to over climb the next to reach the top!

God loves each of us the same, and if you are usually a sour person that never has anything good to say, then please re-evaluate the reason WHY you are in the lives of others. If you constantly bring a negative vibe, spirit, or even feeling amongst those that are trying to progress, then remove yourself & ask God to get you together. If you have haters, whether they are family, friends, co-workers, or even church members, allow God to deal with them. At the same time, continue doing what you do in a decent manner in a way that doesn't put the other person down. As I say so many times, in the end....YOU WILL WIN! So just say HI to your HATERS and keep it moving....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Don't trip off of ONE....

While on facebook earlier, the Lord placed this statement in my spirit, DON'T TRIP OFF OF ONE! For the past several weeks I've observed alot. Whether it was my surroundings, people, or even myself, I was able to learn new things. Some people will purposely pass you by, overlook you, talk about you, treat you wrong, and look down upon you "just because". Some people will stop being by your side, supporting, and encouraging you..."just because". Some people will simply walk out of your life without an explanation and try to shut some doors in your face, "just because". When people do you like that, don't trip! Even though you don't understand why, continue pressing on. There is so much for you to do and so much life has to offer, so its okay if they don't want to be apart of what you have going on. You must remember to stay humble, steadfast, strong, grateful, and patient, allowing God to guide your every move. Though you thought they'd be with you for a lifetime, let them go! Move on! God has so much more in store for you, therefore time is of the essence! Continue seeking God and ask him to show you who is supposed to be apart of your life. If one decides to leave, let them do as they desire.......Don't trip off of ONE when there are others worthy of being in your space :-)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey there everyone! Its been a minute since I've blogged. My intentions were to blog more, but with the recent demands my job requires..... it has not been happening, lol. However, I shall continue on & update you on the random things I've encountered over the past few weeks.....

Sometimes I forget to just BREATHE! These last past 3 weeks have been very busy for me. Besides an intense week long job training, the start of my job working with 2nd graders, and the other hustles and bustles of life (school, ministry, getting class reunion plans on and poppin', etc.)....I am pooped! Its been a year since I've really been active and now that I am, my body feels as if it is shutting down though I know it is only getting used to moving around again. I've just entered my 3rd semester of my doctoral program and it is going pretty smoothly. The only thing that gets me is the weekly papers that I have to do. Though it isn't much work, my PROCRASTINATION makes it harder each and every week. Even with this, I still manage to get my work in with a good grade attached (thank you Lord, lol).

Just yesterday, I felt as if I took two Tylenol P.Ms when I really didn't. That's just how tired I was. After getting a nice amount of rest and having a better day today, I feel much better. I didn't realize just how "out of it" I was until the start of this week, lol. I'm slowly coming back around and know that I must find the strength and energy to continue on. I try to remind myself that it is NOT about me, but its all about Jesus. And with it being all about Jesus, I must be and feel at my best in order to effectively reach people on their level the right way.

My family is doing fine, church is growing, and school is moving right on along. I haven't been spending much time with God lately though. I must admit and be honest that I've so busy and tired lately that I haven't given him the praise, honor, and glory he so deserves! Its not him, but its me. I kind of just feel "here" as I've stated so many times before. Its like I know my future is still bright and whatnot, but I haven't made any plans for myself. Its like my vision is cloudy. I know its still there, but I just can't clearly see it right now. Even through this, I remain thankful and hopeful that things will turn around and work in my favor. At the same time, I KNOW that I must give God more of me.

So as you've read so far, this post is totally random. I don't really have anything of substance worth talking about right now because my mind is somewhat blank, lol. These past weeks away from the computer have been NEEDED. I haven't had much to say to anyone or anything, but I've just been sitting back evaluating my life and enjoying every minute of it! To those that have inquired, I am doing great. I will not and shall not complain! Please keep me in your prayers. Once I get re-adjusted to everything, I'll be back sharing my thoughts, giving encouragement, and continuing to just be NINA! Whew, life is something!

Thanks for reading :-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dude, KICK ROCKS.....

This is one of my latest posts on facebook:

At that particular time, I was literally listening to the instrumental beat of SWAG SURFIN' by Fast Life!!!! Hmmmm, why in the HECK is SHENINA BROWN listening to a "RAP" song? Hmmmm....because I WANT TO, lol. No disrespect to anyone, but I know that questions/opinions like this arise in the minds of more people than you know. Yep, I STILL love God, yep- I STILL live righteously, and YESSS- I can still serve God & draw people to him! Christians must be able to relate to many people, both young and old alike. I personally like the beat & at the time, I was straight feeling myself, hehehe. Now though music carries a "spirit", be mindful of the things you do & thoughts you think after listening. I was just bobbing my head & enjoying my thoughts at the time, which is the reason for this particular post.....

Ok, now back to what I posted on fb. Man, at this point in my life, I realize that I have realllllllly tried to be the better person in almost every situation I've encountered. I've met many wonderful people, done some great things, and have had amazing experiences.....BUT, I can no longer bend over backwards, forwards, and sideways for people that don't care about me. Well how do you know they don't care Shenina? I'm so glad you asked: I know they don't care because of their ACTIONS! We know God loves us because of his actions (blessings, strength, joy, etc.) that we see everyday. When you love someone, they will know it because your actions will show it. I'm tired of "liking" everyone only to be overlooked. Now don't get me wrong, I sincerely LOVE all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, but some of "us" are something SERIOUS! We only encourage & support who we want to, we only say what we want to, to whom we desire to, and we only care enough to go beyond our call of duty to those that can do the same for us. ITS YOUR WORLD dude or dudette, lol, but please know that what you do will come back around one day.

There are alot of things I've noticed about people that I don't speak on. Even the most spiritual, uplifting, and encouraging people can sometimes be the biggest hypocrites because we are one-sided. I understand we are all different and I don't expect you, you, or you to give me back what I give you, but show me that you me that you appreciate me....just show me something. Gosh, some people won't even give you credit for the things that you do, and thats OKAY too!

I guess you can call this another rambling, venting But if I don't love and take care of myself, who else will? God will of course, but I'm talking about my brothers & sisters that claim to love God & everyone else, yet and still when I'm in a bind you can't even help me. That's no So, if the shoe fits- WEAR IT! I'm in no way pointing anyone out, but through my observances I realize that some people will never change. They can be the biggest giver to the meanest I'm not talking about those that aren't spiritually aware of their actions, I'm talking about the ones that profess day in & day out to love & care for everyone. If you can't love me, support me, encourage me just as God has/does, then....dude, you can KICK ROCKS with open toed shoes on as I SWAG SURF! As for me, I'll continue sincerely loving the heck out of YOU regardless of how you feel about me....


Thanks for reading :-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Healthy Hair Challenge: Daily Dose of Inspiration (DDI) #3

(DDI #2, found here)

It is so easy to get discouraged yet sometimes so hard to be ENCOURAGED! Whenever you are faced with situations that are out of your control, you must find the strength to remain standing & keep your head above water. While it seems easier to just crawl under a rock, shut the blinds & curtains, turn off your phone, & simply lay in darkness....truth is, your problems will still be there once you decide to open those blinds, come from hiding under that rock, turn your phone back on, and turn the lights on. That's why it is so important that you feed your spiritual man with things of substance & keep your head up! Instead of listening to R & B, Rap, etc, try listening to more Gospel music, attending church more, watching more positive t.v. shows, reading more books, & surrounding yourself around positive people. The more you engage in things of substance, the better chances you have of being encouraged & keeping your head above water! Its not time to sink...its time to FLOAT! ~Nina

Thanks for reading :-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


WOW! I have successfully completed the 2nd Quarter of my PhD program with.......du du
....99% to be exact!!!!!! God is super good! Now I must admit, the beginning started off great, but halfway through it became tougher to keep up with my assignments. Every week, I've had to complete a 3-4 page research paper, with a final paper ranging from 15-20 pages NOT including the title page, abstract, or reference page! It was no one but God who made this possible for me. I'm well on my way to becoming DR. SHENINA BROWN. All praise belongs to him! Please NEVER give up on your dreams. I'm just a big headed, ol' country gal who decided NOT to be a statistic. By the age of 30, Lord's will, I will have successfully completed my doctoral degree or will be in the last stages of completing it. Where there is God, there is a way! You aren't too old or young to do great things. I'm a living witness! Have faith & if you need any help or would like info on how you too can go to school without having to physically drive there, let me know. I have more than enough experience taking online classes. THANK YOU LORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


HAIR anniversary that is, lol! May 28, 2011 marked ONE complete year since I chopped off my relaxed ends. It wasn't that I wanted to get in tune with my ancestors or nothing like that, lmbo, but I just wanted a change! I pray to have many, many more happy & healthy hair years. Whether I decide to relax my hair again or remain natural, I'm thankful to God for the experience :-)

LOL! Bye-bye pigtails...
Before the BIG CHOP



What's been up with you?

So, its the first of the monnnnnnnnth (in my Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony voice, lol)...HAPPY JUNE 2011 everyone! Its funny that this is the only time that you will have this very day in your entire life! There will be no more June 1, 2011 EVER I know that was so random, but it was just a

Anywho, this is the 6th month of the year and time has flown. We are almost half-way through the year already and it seems as if 2011 just started. After six months of blogging, I can say that I am proud of myself. I may not know all of the ins & outs of blogging, but it is something that I've wanted to do and have done. I haven't posted as much as I would like, but something is better than nothing. I'm currently in the process of trying to see exactly where God wants to take me and this blog. It gives me a chance to express myself further than my facebook statuses will Even with them, alot of people look over "my" statuses when they see how "lengthy" they are. Why? I don't know...maybe its because they don't like to hear what "I" personally have to say, maybe its just that they are lazy and don't want to read, or maybe I'm not talking about anything that tickles their fancy so they say to HELL with me & my stats...lmbo! Regardless, I thank God for how he uses me, my words, and thoughts through social networks such as facebook. If I help just ONE, then I've accomplished alot, and that is my sole purpose. Yet even with my words that people overlook, a blessing is coming out of it.....stay tuned!

My healthy hair challenge that I started on May 1, 2011 has come to an end! The past 30+ days have been awesome. I went from having 20+ participants down to 13....and that is A-OK with me! We have shared our thoughts, tips, advice, encouragement, and more with eachother and I'm grateful for the experience. It has been such a great success that they want to continue on, so we will certainly do that. I begin a new job in a week or so working with the youth in my community through a non-profit organization, at which I am very honored. This has been an area that I've wanted to work in for a while, so I pray to do my very best with it and I know that God will open doors from this if it be his will. Its been a long time, but its now time to get off my hind part and do some things & get the ball rolling both in my community & ministry within my church.

For the past few days, I've been doing alot of thinking. I've had mixed emotions. I've felt empty, joyful, sad, lonely, content, calm, happy, etc. I know a "shift" is about to take place in my life. I've always been the type of person to not necessarily be "afraid"  of the unknown, but I've been "iffy" about it. I know that life is full of the unknown and that I have to be uncomfortable sometimes. But even through that, God has a blessing with my name on it and before I receive that blessing, I want to make sure that I worked for and deserve it. I am certainly FAVORED, but God deserves so much more than a little 'thank you' every now and then.

So all in all, that's been up with me. Nothing much to really share right now. I've just been "cooling it" as the young folk say...hahaha! Its time for me to give more of myself to God and others. I've been a bit selfish lately in my prayers, always asking God to do things for, and not realizing that I haven't been praying for others as I should. It is so NOT about me, and I must do better. Whether it is overcoming fears, nervousness, laziness, or just the unknown...I know I have a greater purpose and the enemy's job is to put fear in us. But he is a liar in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!  Stay tuned for more!!!

Thanks for reading :-)