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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

....say it to my FACE!

Let's be real & I'm sure some of you agree that text messages, emails, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and yes, even Blogs etc. have become the new means of "communication & outward expression" for many people. Instead of directly going to the person you may have a problem/concern with, we in-directly express how we feel through the aforementioned social networks and communication devices. What happened to just being "real & upfront" with people? I ask myself this question as well because I for one am very guilty of this. I've used social networks to get a point across & free my mind of things I've encountered and feelings that I've felt, all the while remaining comfortable enough to do so behind the computer screen and/or phone- just being honest! Did the problem change? NO...if anything, it only got worse because I was still unable to fully express myself the way I needed to in order to move forward, therefore I stored anger, sadness, & more inside longer than I had to. There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself via the web so to say in my personal opinion, but it can sometimes be a cowardly move, especially if you are one of the ones that constantly shout from the mountaintop that you are GROWN!

We express our anger, apologies, disappointments, etc. in hopes that the person we are referring to reads our message. Truth be told, some people aren't "studdin'" you or me, lol, and may not even read what you've written!...THEN WHAT? The whole time you thought they read what you said, they actually didn't and in turn, it makes the situation worse because you didn't go to that person directly to make SURE they received word on how you felt! Words that come across a computer or phone have a tendency to be interpreted in the wrong spirit and give off messages that may not be true. As some people would say, I can hear the TONE in your message. While that may be true, we sometimes can't define or assume how a person feels through mere words, we need to be up close and personal with them to truly feel their vibe and pick up on their spirit.
...or phone, blog, email, tweets, etc.!

So, why is it so hard for us to express ourselves and be honest with people in person? I can't speak for anyone else when I say this, but for me, its been easier to deal with situations and people from a distance rather than have them all up in my space and me in theirs, especially if they are long distances away. It doesn't mean that I'm making excuses or "coping out", it just means that I would rather deal with you like this than like that. Now, don't get me wrong, I am the type of person that will in fact approach one face to face with an issue/concern if I'm able to in order to rectify the problem and get to the bottom of it all, but sometimes it isn't worth it. You have to ask yourself is the person worthy enough to go through all of that extra energy and you may even have to ask yourself is the person MATURE enough to solve the issue in a respectful and proper manner. If they are, you will do what you have to in order to make peace, but if they aren't, well.....things will just be...REGARDLESS, lol.

So before someone takes something you SAID (typed, written, texted, etc) the wrong way, if you are able, just go to them DIRECTLY and squash whatever issues there may be. Most importantly, when we say things through these social networks, we have to do them in the right spirit and obedience to God. When we go on and on and on and on, just babbling at the mouth without having permission from God to say these things, then we LOOSE. Also, I'm not saying that expressing yourself via the web or phone are wrong because some people do so better this way, I'm simply saying that sometimes our messages can come across wrong, and to avoid any "extra" stuff happening, its best to go TO the person.Once again, I have been guilty of this. One thing I want my readers to know is that I have no problem at all with telling you that I TOO mess up & don't fully obey God as I should. I'm still a work in progress myself & have never claimed to have it all together.

As I help you, I am helping myself. But we owe it to people to let them know how we feel directly, and we owe it to ourselves to do so in order to live peacefully, regardless of the outcome. Believe it or not, most people will appreciate your "realness" by sharing with them how you feel. But make sure that when you share with them how you feel that you too check yourself. Don't ever make a person feel bad for what they've done because that is not your place, its God's and even he won't make us "feel bad" so to say, but he will help us to feel the consequences behind our actions in order to HELP & not harm us. Even though things may change, including people's perception of us and our relationships with them, you'll feel better knowing that you tried to do the RIGHT thing by going to your brother or sister and trying to make things better.

Use those texts, fb statuses, emails, blog posts etc. to spread some GOOD, POSITIVE, UPLIFTING news instead of using it in hopes to get the attention of the person you have something against. Though they are indeed wonderful platforms to express how you feel, don't forget that its not about YOU all of the time & get carried away with only your thoughts. There are alot of hurting people out here in the world that need YOU to give them a sincere, encouraging, and heartfelt word from God, therefore, you don't have time to waste space or energy tapping more into being messy or immature than sincerely trying to help the next along. I personally use this blog as another source of communicating and prayerfully encouraging and helping those I know and don't know to be their best selves! I'm taking heed to these words as well and striving to get better day by day! Its a struggle sometimes, but one that will be well worth it in end. I hope this helps someone just as much as it did me!

***Have you been guilty of indirectly trying to get your point across via the web or phone? If so, how did you feel afterwards?Any advice on this matter? I'd love to hear....

Thanks for reading :-)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Go Get Your Life Back.....God says LIVE!


Lyrics to: GO GET YOUR LIFE BACK by Donald Lawrence

Sometimes we win,
sometimes we lose,
Sometimes we're hurt and abused,
That's life, all a part of life

Seasons come,
Seasons go,
Yes we reap, what we sow,
That's life, all a part of life

Every painful moment that life sends to you,
God designed it just to bless you,
for these trials come to make you strong

So every time the enemy tries to attack you,
Don't let him, Don't let him destroy you,
What was meant for your bad,
God has turned it around for your good

Go get your life back,
Go and get it,
Go get your life back,
Everything the enemy stole from you,
Your life back,
Go and get it,
Go get your life,
God said live,

There will be times,
We go astray,
There will be times we lose our way,
That's life, all a part of life

Sometimes up,
Sometimes down,
Yes the lost can be found
That's life, all a part of life

Your life back,
Your life back,
Go and get it
Your life back,
Everything the enemy stole from you,
Your life back,
Go and get it,
Your Life,

God Says Live!!!!

GUEST BLOGGER: Sha'Ketta Davis (Four Reasons Men Don't Take You Seriously )


Yeah you're a beautiful, intelligent, educated, well-versed, goal-oriented, family-oriented fashionista. You have big dreams and you are achieving them, one step at a time. You're talented, love the Lord, have no kids, and a nice job. With such a great resume', you're probably wondering why you're still single.... If not, I know I am!! lol I know that everything happens in God's timing, however, certain things we do can "stall" or postpone things for us.

For all the single ladies out there, one thing that I have learned over the course of time as to why we may still be single is GUYS DON'T TAKE US SERIOUSLY!!! "Why?" you may ask. Well keep reading and you are BOUND to find a relatable category.

1. YOUR ATTIRE We all like to be trendy and dress in the finest or cutest outfits, but when the clothing you sport leaves nothing to the imagination, men tend to see you as "meat". They'll date you, take you out, and have sex with you, but ultimately no man takes a "loose-looking woman" home to mama. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wearing Gucci, Prada, Dolce, etc. but when your outfit monopolizes the conversation--- when you can't walk 20 steps because you don't want to mess up your Prada shoes or you can't leave your Louis Vuitton bag in the car because someone might steal it----- the man may think you put too much emphasis on what's on the outside--- leading him to view you as shallow. Let your appearance speak for itself. And a word of advice... If you wear a short dress, don't show cleavage. If you show cleavage, mask the butt. Too much visible flesh at one time can be overwhelming and give off the wrong impression.

2. YOU'RE A BOOTY CALL Regardless of what a man says, he WANTS a woman that tells him NO to sex, especially on the first date! The problem with women is that we give it up on the first date, or really early in the relationship. Then when he doesn't call or text anymore, we get pissed. Baby, the thrill is gone!! He got what he wanted!! He thinks if you gave it up to him this soon, who ELSE have you given it up to!!!??!! If he calls and texts ONLY at night, you're a booty call! If he texts and calls until you give it up, you WERE a booty call! lol Men know up front if you are the type of woman that will give it up easily or if you will make them wait. If they're interested in a relationship, they'll wait. If they want sum booty, they'll move on if you don't give it up. Sometimes as women we think that having sex with a man will make him stick around. We think that we can "win him over if we show him what we're working with." WRONG ANSWER! Your "no" will keep him coming back, and your "yes" will drive him away.

3. YOU'RE THIRSTY And when I say thirsty, I mean needy. Men prefer being friends first. They can do without all the titles in the beginning. When he's ready to commit, he'll tell you. Until then, you don't have to nag him about dating, your future together, blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying sit around and wait on him. I just saying it's ok to have other guy friends. We mess up when we devote ALL of our energy and efforts to a man right off the back just because we like him! All that attention and up front affection scares men! It's ok to have other friends to hang with and other things to do. You don't ALWAYS have to be available when he calls and texts. He doesn't have to know your every move! Do you and fit him into YOUR life! Don't let him be occupied and you have to find ur way into his schedule. Bottom line: Don't let a man consume your life. Have a life OUTSIDE of your relationship.

4. YOU'RE MOVING TOO FAST ....Moving too fast in terms of what God has pre-destined for you. When we know who we are and whose we are... When we are comfortable with ourselves and are not defined by the person we're with (i.e. I'm dating a doctor; that's my money ticket)... When we are operating in His Will and in His Ways, THEN God will send the mate of our dreams! My last piece of advice to you is to live your life WITHOUT a man so that you can appreciate living your life WITH a man! Why wait until you're dating or married to take that cruise? SAIL NOW! Why wait until you get a man before you take a trip to Paris? FLY NOW! You have to be able to appreciate your alone time and singlehood before getting into a relationship. When your mind is off men and you're working on yourself and your goals---when you least expect it, your Boaz will show up!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ANY COMMENTS?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

*DISCLAIMER: Sha'Ketta D. Davis does not proclaim to be a psychologist, counselor, or any other licensed advice-giving professional. The aforementioned views are merely her opinions, which appear to be reasonably accurate, though no scientific research has been conducted.*

Saturday, August 27, 2011

BOOGIE FEVA! ...and Saturday thoughts....

What a BEAUTIFUL Saturday this has turned out to be! In my opinion, this has been one of the most beautiful days this summer! I'm so thankful to be alive. I've been smiling all day, and I feel goooooood too, lol. I've tapped into my creative abilities, encouraged & joked around with some fabulous people, encouraged myself & was reassured that God is going to do everything he promised if I continued to trust & obey him, and more! All this makes me just want to BOOGIE on down, lol! I'm an old school gal at heart & I absolutely love old school jams, so below are just a few songs that I adore & a status that I shared on facebook afterwards.......



I was basically told by someone that I shouldn't socialize with, care for, or encourage those that I KNOW are currently talking & used to talk about me. In so many words, they didn't understand WHY I continue to love & treat others with respect even though they secretly plot plans of attack. My answer: BECAUSE GOD DID IT! When you are in HIM, you are a *NEW* creature. I'm not worried because I stand on GOD'S WORD & he'll take care of "them" (Isaiah 54:17). NO WEAPON....and good day, lol! :-)

Hope that helps someone! Thanks for reading & don't forget to get your boogie & your sway ON, lol!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Today was one of those BLAH days for me that I mentioned within a previous post found here. No one has made me mad, frustrated, or annoyed me, its just one of those days where I almost want to be completely silent! Even in the midst of how I "feel", I thank God for breath in my body and for things that I sometimes overlook because someone, somewhere only wished they could walk in my shoes. So in honor of my gratefulness to him, I wanted to post 5 more things that I'm grateful for as of this moment....


What are you grateful for? To view my previous gratitude journal entry, click HERE

Thanks for reading :-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"fit"TING IN.....

Super cool ain't it??? Lol!
I've always been different. I do things, think about things, & say things that are quite different from the norm most of the time. But things haven't always been this way. Once upon a time, I REALLY, I mean REALLY tried to fit in with others. I would jeopardize who I was just to please & make them like me. But oh I THANK GOD for a divine intervention, a chance to mature, & GROW. Honestly, it was not until I reached my 20s that I realize it was okay NOT to fit in with everyone. As my relationship with God blossomed, I found peace with being who I was. When others cursed, that didn't mean I had to in order for them to like me. Yep, some may have called me a "goody-two-shoes, holy roller, good girl"....but for the most part, people RESPECTED me more for who I was and not for what I was trying to become!

Reppin' J.C! (Jesus Christ), lol!
Though the latest fads in fashion are cute, it doesn't mean that I or everyone else has to succomb to them. Now, don't get me wrong, wanting to wear the POParazzi earrings (rocked by the ladies of Basketball Wives), Earlaces, Feather earrings, and more (which are all IN right now) is fine because they are really cute, BUUUUUT that doesn't mean you HAVE to in order to be deemed a fashionista/o! I'm not knocking anyone's hustle...but what happens when these things become old? Are we going to throw our hard earned money down the drain to keep up with the Jones', Browns', & Smiths'??? Or are we going to just do us & continue wearing that bright pink, yellow, & orange $100.00 dress we purchased for the summer in the fall as well with some fye boots & a blazer??? Lol! Or will we just let it rot in our closets because it isn't this "season's" current fashions? Think about it, because I will rock it all no matter the season....hahaha! You don't have to wear Jessica Simpson, Gucci, BCGC, or similar brands just to look good & to get compliments. Yes, they are all fierce, but you can look just as fierce rocking Faded Glory (Walmart), going to a flea market/thrift store, or yes, even your local Dollar General or Family Dollar to find beautiful pieces! I don't want to have to go broke to fit in & look good, only to spend $200.00 for a pair of shoes that I'll probably only wear twice because I don't want to be seen in "last year's", smh! If you have the funds to rock it without going broke, then by all means, do what your heart desires.....just don't do it to fit in with everyone else though :-)...."THINGS" don't make you...remember that!

Most of what I wear & have honestly comes off of the clearance racks at stores, lol. No joke! People say..."Ooo, that is so cute, those are fierce, etc.", but they just don't know that the dress only cost $10.00 and the shoes were only $5.00....and because I have $5.00 left out of a $20.00, I purchased some $1.99 earrings to go along with my ensemble & then chose to WURK!!!! And I'm not ashamed to say it! That doesn't mean I don't have the money to get nicer, more expensive things, I just sometimes choose not to and in turn look BETTER than the person who spent their entire check to please others :-)

Just loving on some ME!
Fitting in is quite natural though, so I don't knock those that have yet to find out who they truly are because it is a process. Fitting in isn't also just about material things, but its about the spiritual, mental, emotional, & physical man as well. Just because the newest saying may be out, for example: bruh, bruh or going HAM (lol) that doesn't mean you have to say it to look "cool". Or better yet, praising a "god" you know nothing about just to please the next person. Find out who our GOD is for yourself & develop a relationship with him. These are only a FEW things that we do to fit in....but its okay, things will get better with a made up mind & heart! Make up your own saying, stitch your own clothes,...just do something that no one else requires you to do because it eventually becomes old. And its not just with our youth, its with GROWN UPS as well! I've fallen victim to wanting to be like everyone else as well, but the more I grow spiritually & realize that God loves me & made me to be who I am, I can appreciate my differences more all the while trying to encourage others to do the same. Nope, I am not a size 8, nor do I have the longest hair, lightest/darkest skin, biggest booty, fye"est" (lol) clothes, car, house, stacks of money, straightest/whitest teeth, smallest breast, biggest hips, thickest legs, etc, but I'm ME....take it or leave it!

One of my favorite pictures, lol! Look at that hair!
So just be & do YOU! Know that God loves you just the same and if people can't love & like you for who you are, or as I like to say, can't get "jiggy" with ya', then they aren't worthy enough to be in your space in the first place! Give yourself permission to be different, its okay! I have, & it feels good to "fit" in where I belong....and that's with ME :-)

IT IS WELL! How YOU dowin'????? Lol.


Thanks for reading & please share this post with someone who may be struggling with finding who they are :-)


Monday, August 22, 2011

Still worthy of being PURSUED!

SHOW me you're interested! Lol.
If you remember THIS POST, you'll recall that I was asked to coordinate/decorate for a friend's wedding at which I did this past Saturday & everything turned out great. So, the Friday before the wedding as my mom, aunt, & I were decorating the reception hall, one of the workers there from the Mississippi Department of Corrections (an inmate working off his fine) approached me. Now I'm not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical of what he was going to say to me. I didn't know if he was going to be disrespectful or what, but because I try not to judge people based off of their outward appearance (keep in mind he had on his green & white striped uniform with CONVICT on the back, lol), I was open to hear what he had to say. So he asked me, "How long have you been decorating?"...and I replied with "Not very long". He then proceeded to ask me more questions & after a while, it got a bit personal. He then asked, "So when are YOU getting married?"...I replied with a smile as I continued working nervously, "Whenever the good Lord sends my husband my way. I'm open to whomever he sends, he just hasn't sent him yet." And his next response blew my mind, he said..."He probably has, you've just overlooked him!". In my mind I was like...WHAT THE HECK??? Lol! All I could tell him was, " You may be right!" (though in the back of my mind I was like, NO....because God will show me when its time). He also stated that he was SURPRISED (with a surprised look on his face) that no one had scooped me up just yet & asked me why! Lol! I told him that I can't get married without first dating & that I wasn't currently dating anyone. "Why?' he asked....I replied, "No one has asked me". At that point, I was interested in what he had to say. Soooo, long story short, he said..."Well, in the next 6 months I'll be through with my time & I'm going to find you & take you out on a date."...all I could do was laugh because he seemed so serious. I told him, "Ok, bet! That would be great". He asked me how many children I wanted, did I even want to be married, and he proceeded to tell me that after he finished his time he was going back to school to make something of himself & etc.

Now, thinking back on that situation makes me smile because you'll never know who God will send your way to re-assure you that he hasn't forgotten about you. Though I may never see that guy again, just within the short time I talked to him, I gained valuable insight and he reminded me that I WAS worth having. Because its been a long time since I've been in a totally committed relationship, I've almost forgotten how it feels to be pursued. It also taught me not to look at where a person has been or what they've done, but where they are striving to go. Sometimes I feel as if no one even wants to pursue me, lol, because I don't get pursued very often. But I know that I'm different and my situations/circumstances are different from the next. God reminded me that I'm not like everyone and because of that, things that happen to them won't happen to me the same exact way. So I prayerfully and patiently await my knight in shining armor to come and sweep me off my feet to my Happily Ever After, lol! I KNOW its coming, its just a matter of WHEN....and even with that, I'm quite alright with letting God work out all of the kinks. Single folks, we are STILL WORTHY OF BEING PURSUED! Just because he/she hasn't come yet, don't be discouraged. Its just that God is purposely taking his time to mold your husband/wife specifically for YOU! And that's A-OKAY with me!!!!  Lol!

P.S.- He was fairly nice looking, lol! Dark skinned & bald. Not typically my "type", but as a friend told me....ALL THAT DOESN'T EVEN REALLY MATTER ANYMORE, and she was right (though I would still like my boo to be decent looking, lol).

Thanks for reading :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm Getting MARRIED!!!!!!

So with tears in my eyes, I can truly say that I'm overjoyed! God has been more than amazing in my life! If I had a thousand tongues, I couldn't thank him enough! Even when I feel all hope is gone and life isn't worth living any longer, he constantly steps in and reminds me that the battle is NOT mine, but it belongs to HIM! And you know what, if you read this post in its entirety, you'll know that I am......

JUST KIDDING!!!!! LOL! (I thought that would get your attention!)

I will in fact be able to TRUTHFULLY make that announcement one day, lol, but until then, its just me, myself, & I! I know that God is yet preparing my husband just for me. While I am not looking for him, I know he is searching for me & I want to be ready for HIM! Once again, I am NOT getting married, lol, I'm just calling those things that are not (just yet) as if they were SO! Can I get an AMEN from my single folks????? Lol!

Thanks for reading & I pray that God continues to keep those that are single in his perfect peace. He has not forgotten about us :-)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


We serve an awesome God!
We serve a mighty God!
We serve an all-knowing God!
We serve a kind and loving God!
We serve a compassionate and powerful God!
We serve a merciful and forgiving God!
We serve a magnificent God!
We serve a purposeful, confident God!
We serve a meaningful and just God!
We serve a sweet and gentle God!
We serve a restoring, peaceful, and comforting God!
...and the list goes on.

I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross....but I'm grateful to God for just being who he is! I'm not worthy of his love, his forgiveness, nor his goodness....yet and still, he blesses me with more than I need. I just had to take a moment to say THANK YOU LORD for being ALL I need, and then some....

Late night post.....

So, as I type this post, its currently 1:30 a.m.! I have my McDonald's and I'm watching t.v. (T.O. Show) while listening to the oh' so famous NeYo station on Pandora. I'm chill....feeling good....not worried about a thing. Thank God for the simple things that bring me pleasure in such a wretched world. For those that are reading this in the very wee hours of the morning, HELLO! Lol. Get some rest ya'll. I love ya  to death....God is still good & through it all, as long as your remain in him, he's got you covered no matter how many times you mess up. That's the beauty behind the crucifixion! Don't take it for granted though.....real talk! :-)

Thanks for reading :-)

Friday, August 12, 2011


There is so much to say, but every thing that can be said shouldn't! I admit, sometimes I am guilty of talking too much & not listening enough. Because I encounter various situations & want to share my experiences, testimonies, highs, lows, etc., I tend to do just that without realizing if I actually should have in the first place. But do you know what the beauty behind all of this is? I LIVE & I LEARN! Even "I" am not always correct nor do I have all of the answers. Now, I shared that because I want to encourage others (& myself) to sometimes HUSH UP & PAY ATTENTION, lol! Every good thing is not a "GOD" thing, as told by one of my sisters in Christ, and I am taking heed to that advice/statement. I absolutely love to encourage people and give my advice on practical, real life situations that I've encountered. Nothing brings me more joy than to see a person sincerely happy because of a problem I helped them overcome (with God's help of course). But, I also know that talking too much isn't always a good thing to do. Its a difference between babbling off at the mouth- speaking words of nonsense, and speaking words of substance (at which I pray that I've been doing). RESTING the mouth and the brain is definitely in order. Instead of talking, thinking, talking, & thinking.....I should mainly be listening, listening, and listening some more to God! When God says speak, then that's what I should do. When God says hush, then that's what I should do as well. I've never really been the type to want the last word because the more one talks, the more trouble they dig themselves into and Lord knows I'm not trying to do that, lol. I thank God for showing me things about myself that I may not have otherwise been aware of. I can take the heat because it helps me to prosper & move forward! So I'm in the process of learning to just zzzzzzzip it up sometimes & tune my ears towards God a bit more. I have no problem admitting when I need some "adjustments" both with my attitude & spirit man because I want to continue climbing UP the ladder. Life is about growth, & I am certainly doing that....

Are you guilty of this? I'd love to read your comments if you desire to leave them.

Thanks for reading :-)

P.S.- Its FRIDAY & the weekend is here! Do something for yourself that makes YOU happy! Stop stressing and worrying over things you can't change. Let the chips fall where they may & give allllll of that "stuff" to God!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

CONFESSION #2: Top Secret


I secretly cry at the thought of you not being in my life. Not because of what you've done for me, but simply because of who you are to me. I know that having you may not be good for my health, and as the saying goes, too much of anything is bad for you...but I beg to differ. YOU are what I long for. YOU are what I desire. You don't show me the attention I'm worthy of receiving, but that's ok because even if I cross your mind, that's enough for me. Why is it so hard for me to let go of you, knowing that you are toxic? I know I deserve better, but a part of me cannot fathom life without you. Why must you make me feel this way? Why must tears come out of my eyes? Why must I continue looking at my phone thinking that you'll come through, yet you never do? I could be doing and thinking about a million things, but YOU are on my mind. The one person I thought would be there forever and show some kind of sign that you're still interested. I'm only good enough or interesting enough to talk to whenever you "want" something.....even though I know this, I continue to give. I'm getting better at moving on, but letting go of YOU is a hard thing to do.


Thanks for reading! To read CONFESSION #1, click HERE

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

GRATITUDE JOURNAL (entry & giveaway winner)

So as stated here, my journal entry & the winner of the gratitude journal is as follows:

I am grateful for PEACE

I am grateful for LOVE

I am grateful for TEARS

I am grateful for FEELINGS

I am grateful for WISDOM

And the winner (each entry was given a number, beginning with #1) of a journal to start their very own "gratitude journal" is (by way of ......


Ms. SigNique, please inbox me on facebook or send an email to with your mailing information! Thank you for reading & participating :-)

Please stay tuned for more giveaways & contests to show my appreciation for my readers! Thanks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Sometimes things get so hectic that they make you want to pull your hair out and ssssccccrrrreeeeeaaaammm! BUT through it all, there is still something worth being grateful to God for. For some, life isn't worth living any longer because they feel as if they have nothing or no one to live for, but if you can just find anywhere from one to five (or more) things to be grateful for daily, you'll see that your situations aren't really as bad as they seem.

I encourage you to start a GRATITUDE JOURNAL. The only thing you have to do is write down what you're grateful for...and that's it! You can keep a journal, put it in your phone, or store it on your computer.When you're having bad days, you can refer back to your journal entries and see that you definitely DO have something to live for! Feel free to comment & share!

I AM GRATEFUL FOR this comfortable bed I'm laying in

I AM GRATEFUL FOR central air conditioning during these hot months

I AM GRATEFUL FOR God still finding me worthy enough to work for him 
I AM GRATEFUL FOR such a supportive, loving family 
I AM GRATEFUL FOR my life,health, and strength
This is only a very insy, winsy portion of the things I am grateful for. I pray that you too start a gratitude journal to see that there IS hope left!
---->The first 5 readers to comment on this post with at least 3 things they're grateful for will be entered into a drawing for a gratitude journal! **For your entry to be "official", you must be a follower. To be a follower, click on the FOLLOW/JOIN THIS SITE button on the right.** Just want to show my gratitude for YOU! ENDS Monday, Aug. 8th at12 midnight.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 5, 2011

IT IS WELL! (Hallelujah!!!!!)

I decided to take a break from facebook today, as much as I love being on encouraging others as well as being encouraged, I just needed a little break to collect my thoughts & get some things accomplished. Anywho, I've been working on programs for one of my friend's wedding for part of the day, all the while thinking about certain people/situations, texting, & listening to my Gospel & NeYo stations on Pandora, lol. As I began to finish up, I couldn't help but just THANK GOD for being who he is! I get so tied up in my situations sometimes that I forget to thank God for the "simple" things that we take for granted everyday. Even in the midst of my struggles, imperfections, disobedience, and hard headed"ness", he STILL LOVES ME! So with that being said.....IT IS WELL in my soul!

When I say, IT IS WELL that means that no matter what I'm faced with, no matter the situation, no matter what people think/say about me, no matter if I messed up, no matter if things are crumbling right before my eyes, no matter if friends turn and walk away, no matter how frustrated, disappointed, angry, hurt, confused, and annoyed I am, no matter if I don't have a dime in my pocket, no matter if things seem to not be working in my matter if I don't ever get another thing from God.......IT IS WELL! And I say that with all sincerity! IT IS WELL because God is near, therefore I don't have to want for anything! He alone takes care of my LACK (so deeeeep, lol)! And because he takes care of my lack, I don't have to worry or stress out about anything....not YOU, HIM, HER, THEM, or IT!  Hallelujah....AMEN.

I pray each person that reads this gets an IT IS WELL deep down in their soul! People are going to disappoint you (heck, even I may have disappointed you!)....situations aren't going to always work in your favor....things will sometimes crumble on ya'....THAT IS A GIVEN because its all apart of life. However you choose to deal & respond to those situations is totally on YOU. In the process, don't bring down others with you. Talk it over with God & let him handle it. Just know that IT IS has no other choice but to be! Go forth & be blessed :-)

Thanks for reading :-)

IT IS WELL....IT IS WELL....IT IS WELL!....and IT IS SO!  NO weapon.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It remains to be seen.....

I knew I wanted to blog about something, just didn't know about WHAT. With one million + things to blog about, I had a hard time trying to come up with something of substance to say. So, as I logged on the computer to go to Pandora to hear some music, I said to myself...."The first song title that comes up, that's what I'll blog about in some form or fashion" And low & behold, the first song that came on was "Best In Me" by Marvin Sapp...and so it is!


As I think about that title, I want to take a different approach & ask myself have I truly let the "BEST" show through? I mean, its one thing for people to visibly see your good works (encouraging others through words, participating in ministry & touching a life, doing a great work, etc.)....but would I say that its truly the BEST that I have to offer? NO would honestly be my answer. The BEST in me has yet to come out. This I know because I haven't shown it. Now true enough, when I do all of the aforementioned things I put alot of thought and care into it, but I could give much more. It wouldn't hurt me to allow God to work even more on my behalf than he has already. Laziness and fear are two of the most deadliest weapons that hinder our progress, therefore we don't give the BEST in us. I have more to live for, and if people think they've already seen the BEST IN ME, they're certainly in for a rude awakening because God has more for me to do. Now the question is, Shenina, are you WILLING to allow your BEST to show? My answer would be YES & NO because I'm not sure if I'm ready. Letting my BEST show will require some blood, sweat, tears, disappointment, hurt, and even some pain at which I don't think I'm ready to endure fully. On the other hand, I am ready because I want to reap the benefits of being obedient! Now isn't that a bit contradictory? Lol. We always want our cake & to eat it too...but we don't want to put in the work to actually make & BAKE it!

So the BEST IN ME has yet to make its worldwide debut. Sometimes I truly feel that fear of the unknown (mixed with laziness, lol) is preventing me from doing alot of things. It isn't soley based on if God has said MOVE or not, but its ME that's blocking ME from experiencing pure Joy in its fullest form. That's something I'm still praying about & I know God will DELIVER in due time because the best in me remains to be seen! Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading......

CONFESSION #1: Boy, you had me GOING!

Yep, he once had alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of my heart! Its a shame that through everything we've experienced, he still has yet to come around. I truly want the best for him and wish him the absolute best life has to offer. Though I always "thought" he'd get it together, in the back of my mind I knew he wasn't ready. Pressuring him to do something he didn't want to do and be someone he's not was my fault! I held on to alot of false promises and big dreams only to get disappointed every time. But yet and still, through the hurt, pain, smiles, etc., I STILL see the best in him. At one point & time, he could have had it all---I mean ALL, even the God that was in me. I was so intrigued by his intelligence-smart as whip, demeanor-great, confidence-through the roof, and swagg- turned all the way up... that I couldn't see the SON anymore because I was blinded by HIM. Whatever he wanted, I gave. Whatever he needed, I provided. Whatever he asked for, I made it so.

The best thing he could have ever done for me was treat me the way he did. Was he just a monster? No. He was actually very kind, cool, and collective and he taught me alot about myself & life. He just needs to get it together even more and find out what it is he really wants. As bad as I'd love him to apologize, realize he messed up, and tell me that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him besides God.....I know those confessions may never come 100%. If I could tell him just one thing right now, it would be: YOU ALWAYS ASKED WHY I STILL WANTED TO BE APART OF YOUR LIFE AFTER EVERYTHING YOU PUT ME THROUGH, AND TRUTHFULLY SPEAKING....ITS BECAUSE I SIMPLY.....LOVE YOU.

Thanks for reading.....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Respect my F R E S H!

What you see below is TOTALLY me! I found this site, Polyvore, through another blog (I can't remember where...sorry), and you can basically pair together thousands upon thousands of outfit combinations that suit YOU. From accessories, to tops, to shoes, to even makeup, you can customize a total outfit from head to toe. So, since I was a tad bit bored, I decide to compose 3 looks that scrrrrrream NINA! I'm not a heels type of girl, but my personal style is very cute, simple yet bold, comfortable, and unique. I love flat shoes, so any shoe that probably is ugly to one person is cute to me, lol. I adore earrings & other you can see here. Anywho, check out Polyvore whenever you want to create a look and maybe you could even get a few outfit inspirations as well :-) Thanks for reading!

I love pairing bright, bold colors with black! Sport this look on a day you have to run some errands but want to be cute, comfy & bold at the same time!

Alot is going on in this picture, but with the right accessories, a cute pair of shoes, and a jean jacket will make it ALL come to together, lol. A great outfit for a Saturday outing. or maybe even church.

This is so me! If I had to wear heels, I'd pair my outfit with some cute wedges for comfort. But this look right cher' is right  up my alley, especially for church or a date!