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Friday, May 27, 2011

You want me to do whaaaat?

I need to have a quick venting session. One thing that I'm seeing a consistent pattern of is a LACK of support amongst "us". When I say "us", I am indeed talking about the African-American race.I'm NOT saying that other races show support to their own all of the time, but it is most common among "us". What is the problem? I mean is it jealousy, bitterness, a grudge, are you still angry at that person????...I mean, what is it? Some people actually don't give a crap about the well-being of others anyway, so it doesn't bother them one bit. Even with me when I first opened my small business, about 85% of my support came from people I did not know and have never seen. But I have hundreds of people that I do know that have yet to even speak a kind word of encouragement. As I've stated so many times before, support doesn't have to be financial, it can be verbal & physical. An " I'm so proud of you"...a "Congratulations"....a "You're doing a great job"...etc, does NOT hurt for anyone to give, say , or do it to someone that is trying to better themselves. I haven't been able to support everyone that I know, but I certainly do try and that is why God will continue to bless me because my motives for doing so are pure and sincere.

It almost brings me to tears sometimes because I don't understand how some people can continue on talking about and slandering the names of others, but yet and still do absolutely nothing to help that person out. Its more comfortable to talk about others than to help them and that is a SHAME! But when it comes to that person needing the support in return, they expect you to certainly give it to them. YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAAAAAAT? Is what I sometimes ask myself. You want me to support you, but you have yet to support me? Though it should not be like that, the reality of the matter is certainly true. We must get over all of this hate, pettiness, and childness that many of us "grown" folks keep up. You can't support me because of what I said in high school 55 years ago, who my folks are, who I still talk to, and how I didn't speak to you in Junior High????...Are you serious? Dude, give me a break. That was soooo many years ago...but truthfully speaking, some people hold on to things such as that. Get over it!!!!!
Dude, grow some wings & fly on with the excuses!

Even now, the person that is reading this is either a supporter, a non-supporter, or you just don't give a crap because it doesn't concern you. Or you may be reading this because you are just nosy & want to see what the title of my post is all about at which you'll never admit to me or anybody that you read my blog....or maybe you actually enjoy reading my posts (at which I am very grateful for by the way)....but whatever your reason is, please do me a favor and start supporting people from the smallest business to the largest organization. We must do better and come together. Leave all that nonsense and extra baggage behind....

Alot of times I  notice even the smallest things, whether it be on facebook, a decrease in text messages, phone calls, etc. and I often wonder why people do the things they do. But I also understand that people have their preferences and will do what they want, when they want, and how they want. WHY?? Lol, its like I want to know the motives of some people. You went from being in my corner to throwing me out with the dogs. Is it because my words have offended you? Am I "too much" for you? Am I not enough or worthy enough to be in your corner??? I mean what is it? Before you stay in my life, I'd rather you DELETE yourself with the quickness and that way we can both be happy! I still love you just as God does, but I refuse to be stepped over and on for no reason at all. Many may not agree with what I've said and MY thoughts, but even I become a bit frustrated and upset sometimes, which makes me NINA! I want to share these things with you because I know that even through this, someone somewhere will be helped!

I am a very positive person, but today I experienced something that further reminded me of why I love some people from a distance. Even me personally, if I may  not be too "fond" of you, I will still support you because I want to see you succeed, no matter how I feel about you. But even in doing so, I have to remember that everyone isn't as mature as I am. Everyone doesn't view things and aren't as passionate about things as I am, so that makes a HUGE difference in the way things are taken. At this point, I frankly don't care who likes it or not because it pisses me off to know that people are still on some stuff that should have been gone with the wind many years ago. But through it all, I must remember that I can't expect the next to do what I would....for my purpose is much greater. I do things from my heart and I think that's why it bothers me sometimes because its like some people don't have an ounce of compassion within them. If it doesn't benefit them in some kind of way, they don't pay it any mind and that is sad. I will continue being the person God has designed me to be and giving my support to those that are trying to do something with their lives. But its something when you always want people to support you but you aren't willing to do the same. And you want me to do whaaaaaaaat???....Hmph...let me pray.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Just floating on a cloud today! And I'm not talking about CLOUD 9
Sometimes I feel as if I'm just floating through Like today for instance, I was a bit productive but now that I'm winding down, it feels as if I didn't do anything---as if I'm just on a cloud that is floating on by. You'd think that floating on a cloud would be a "good" At which it is, but today MY cloud is just that....a cloud & doesn't serve a purpose right now anyway....smh! I experienced highs and lows, I smiled and I frowned a bit, laughed and felt uneasy, shed a few tears of joy, started to feel a bit sad, but then felt encouraged & at peace today.......I mean......HOW can all of that be possible within a few hours, lol? Though I know it is certainly possible, I just wasn't expecting it. So now I'm working on some save-the-dates for a college graduation for a friend and listening to one of my favorite R&B artists on Pandora, Ne-Yo (I love me some I took two night time sleep aids and they are beginning to kick in. So after I've finished my task, I'm going to get my hind part in the bed...or at least just relax my mind. I have days where I feel just "here" but yet & still I will continue to move forward. I just need to rest & re-focus. Through it all, I know God is trying to tell and show me something, so I'm just trying to see what that is. Until then, I'll FLOAT....FLOAT

Thanks for reading :-)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Single & content....

(Isn't that picture hilarious???? Lol!)....At this point in my life, I really enjoy being single. As much as I desire to be a wife and mother one day, I thank God that it has not happened just yet. It feels good to be able to get myself "together" and take my time doing so without any distractions or roadblocks in my way. For example, being able to basically sleep in as long as I want to throughout the night & morning, taking as long as I need to in the shower, and only having to fix food for one person is lovely right now, lol. Though I do sometimes get lonely, I still count it all joy that I am able to find positive, healthy things to keep me occupied in my spare time such as giving advice, sending encouragement to many, working on my PhD, and ministry (most importantly).. My first "true" love recently got married about two weeks ago! I just knew we were meant to be, but God had other plans. We are actually really good friends and I am so happy for him. If he did it for him, I know he'll do it for me as well!
This picture is HILARIOUS to me....lolllllllllll!!!!!!  Soooo funny...
I understand more now that God will do things on HIS timing, and I surely do not want to rush him. I was told just the other day by a former male church member that my husband was LURKING around for While it didn't surprise me (lol), it did further re-assure me that God has both of our best interests at heart. I often wonder how God is going to join us together, if my husband is someone I know, and when/where he will have us to meet & actually "know" that we are for one another. I'm proud of the woman I have become so far and pray that God will continue to bless, keep, protect, and strengthen my future husband wherever he may be. One day my dreams & visions will become realities, so for now I'm content and just enjoying each passing day.....

To my husband: If you are reading this, just know that I love you so much and am praying that God continue to mold us both into who we need to be for him, ourselves, and each other. I'm patiently waiting on you to find me, and I know that I'm all of the woman you need and then some (lol). When I see the smile upon your face, feel the warmth of your body through your hugs, and smell that cologne that makes me want to "melt", lol, I will be even happier! Take it easy boo and continue to seek God's face in all that  you do because I'll be doing the same.... YOUR WIFE- Nina...

Thanks for reading :-)

Have you ever....

In the spirit of complete BOREDOM, lol, I decided to answer some random "Have you ever..." questions about me!

25 Have You Ever Questions Survey

Been robbed - Nope
Been skinny dipping - Nope
Been arrested - Nope
Been in an airplane - Yep
Been out of the country - Yep
Had surgery - Nope
Felt like passing out instead of enduring pain - Ummm..idk?
Snuck out  without getting caught - Yep (shame on
Cried yourself to sleep - Yep
Seen a shooting star - Nope
Almost died (how many times) - Yep (too many to count! Oh BUT GOD...)
Been to the E. R. - Nope
Fallen in the pool (if u have one) - Nope
Thought consirderably about the past/furture - Yepppppppppppp
Been stung by a bee/wasp - Nope
Eaten raw bacon (or other meat) - Nope (Ewww...)
Danced around in your underwear (honestly) - Yep, lol!
Gone trick or treating in no costume - Yep ( I think so)
Bitten someone - Yep??? lol...
Been in a fist fight - Nope (I've never fought a day in my life)
Fallen down the stairs - Yep, lol.
What about tripping up them - Yep, lol.
Ignored someone till they stopped talking to you for good - Ummm, yep.
Met someone who changed your life - YEPPPPP!
Woken up screaming - Nope.
Had reoccuring dreams - Nope.

Lol...*sighs*....Thanks for reading :-)

LOL!!!!!!!! I'm SO me...and I love it :-)

Friday, May 20, 2011

You're taking up S P A C E!

As I was praying & talking to God today, he placed this exact passage of scriptures on my heart. At the time, I didn't know what message the scriptures contained, but I knew that it was something FOR ME, and I wanted to share what he showed me with you....


Luke 13:6-9
(6) Then he told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. (7) So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil? (8) Sir, the man replied, leave it alone for one more year and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. (9) If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down"

So after reading, these questions came to mind for myself, and I encourage you to ask yourself the same:

  1. What are you doing with the time God is giving you?
  2. Are you producing fruit or are you just taking up space?
  3. What additional value are you adding to the Body of Christ?
  4. Who has been pleading your case & making excuses for you on your behalf?
God keeps coming back to see what we've been producing, but her consistently finds nothing. What a shame it would be for God to throw us out to the dogs because we aren't good? Even us "Christians", though we look good on the outside, but are we being effective? Are we actually connecting with and making a visible difference in the lives of the unbeliever? Truth be told, some of are NOT! He isn't giving us time for nothing! With the time he blesses us with, we must use it wisely to go out & spread the Good News about him & to help save lost souls. We must bear fruit that will help the next out, show the next person the light, and guide the next on the right track. We were designed for a purpose, to do a work honorable enough to please God, yet we consistently produce nothing. We are lazy, selfish, and don't want to obey his commandments because we are all about "self". What good are you if you are useless? There is no need for you and if you're not going to do anything to add to the Kingdom of God, why does he need you?

If this word that God gave me is stumping on YOUR toes, you can only imagine what it is doing to! We must WAKE up & do what God has told us to do. I ask God that he remove fear, laziness, selfishness, & stubborness because we have a mighty work to do & only a little time to do it! You don't want to be be torn from your roots and thrown out because you aren't giving back to your communities, churches, and families. Be FRUITful & produce those things that will ultimately add value to the Kingdom of God! Don't just take up space, USE IT!

Thanks for reading....

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The Lord placed this on my heart to say via facebook today & I want to share it with those who are reading this post. This is in no way directed towards anyone in particular, soI pray it blesses the GIVER "AND" the RECEIVER....

Its a blessing to be a blessing everyone! Thanks for reading....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Healthy Hair Challenge: Daily Dose of Inspiration #2

As stated HERE, your Daily Dose of Inspiration via my Healthy Hair Challenge is.....


In these trying, hard is imperative that you realize that you cannot do everything! God desires that you take time for yourself & get rest whenever you can. I know between juggling your families, jobs, social life, "this challenge, lol", ministry, being a daughter, cousin, aunt, friend, wife, mentor, etc. etc...............IT BECOMES TOO MUCH! While you were not built to break, you must also remember that even the strong need to be strengthened. You can only be strengthened to continue on through reading & adhering to the word of God & also by RESTING! You can't do everything at one time & be here there & everywhere everyday. Even if its 15 minutes a day, get some "ME" time in wherever & however you have to do it. If you aren't any good to yourself, what good will you be to the next? Pray & ask God to show you when is the best time for you to get alone & meditate. He will surely do that :-) ~Nina
Thanks for reading! :-)

I'd love to have YOU!

Calling all MALES & FEMALES!
Prayerfully, I will be blogging & paying more attention to my posts. I am on facebook alot, but I will be taking a break shortly from it and want to concentrate on blogging for the time being. I have many things that I want to incorporate in my blog, from my work, to words of advice, devotionals, hair advice, motivational quotes, things about me, and even YOU! Yes, YOU! I want to start "spotlighting" people on their accomplishments, advice, work, etc. So I'd love to have YOU be a spotlighted member on my blog!

If interested, please email me at & put "SPOTLIGHT MEMBER" in the subject line. Tell me what you're passionate about & what area/subject you'd like to talk about. To be certain I received your email, you can also comment on this post stating that you submitted your request! Within the next few weeks after sorting out details, I'll post your submission & you can then direct people (friends, family, etc.) to your post! There is no deadline, so whenever you feel led just do so!

I'd love to have YOU, so get to! Thanks for reading :-)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

She IS worth KEEPING!

I decided to attend the online service (Bible Study) tonight at the church I attended while staying in Memphis,TN .... and boy was I glad I did so! The title of the lesson was: HOW TO FILL THE EMPTY PLACES (1 Samuel 1:3-8), and it mainly talked about ladies knowing their worth & purpose! I just wanted to share some of the notes I quickly jotted down & pray that they bless someone :-)

A lady that knows she is worth keeping is/has:
  1. SELF-WORTH (She knows who she is & her cause/purpose in life)
  2. INTEGRITY (You draw who you are! Do what you say you are going to do)
  3. RESOURCEFUL (Saves money, invests, etc.)
  4. DISCIPLINED (Has great work ethics)
  5. ORGANIZED (Knows where to place what)
  6. BUSINESS SENSE (Knows how to make more money, has a savings account, etc.)
  7. DRESSES TO IMPRESS (Takes pride in her appearance. Dresses for where she is going!)
  8. FULFILLED IN CAREER (Knows what she is doing & does it well)
  9. SKILLED (She is a homemaker & is knowledgeable of her craft)
  10. PHILANTHROPIC (Loves to help everyone)
  11. INNER JOY (Knows her purpose & is happy with where she is in life)
  12. WELL READ AND SUBSTANTIVE (Speaks with substance & doesn't have to talk loud.)
  13. DISCERNMENT (She is prayed up & knows when something isn't right in her household)
  14. DOESN'T TAKE ANY MESS (She is respectful and demands the same)
  15. SHE STANDS OUT IN THE CROWD (She is a leader, but humble enough to be a servant first)
I only pray to be all of these things & more for my future husband! Ladies, we must develop healthy habits in order to satisfy God, ourselves, & our husbands. Pray that God will begin to show you how to be the future wife you need to be :-)

If you are ever in the Memphis, TN area & are looking for a great church to attend, I encourage you to visit NEW DIRECTION CHRISTIAN CHURCH! For service times, announcements, previous sermon videos, sermon notes, etc., please visit


Monday, May 16, 2011

Healthy Hair Challenge: Daily Dose of Inspiration

Hello all! I have been so busy lately with doing things that I absolutely love & enjoy doing- creating wedding/graduation save-the-dates & invites, decorating, planning for a friend's wedding, working in ministry, preparing myself to spread love in my community by working at a fabulous summer program, and school....just to name a few. My Healthy Hair Challenge is going well and I am so pleased to have started it! We are currently in WEEK THREE & are at the half-way point already- yippppeeee!!!! Within our group, we give one another tips, encouragement, motivation, & support outside of the challenge to help it go smoother. Many times we get so caught up in trying to do everything for everybody that we forget to encourage "us". Over the next few days, I will share a post via the DAILY DOSE of INSPIRATION document that we share amongst ourselves praying it will help someone else just as much as it has us. Here is the first message, written by yours truly. Enjoy & thanks for reading :-)

Literally! Cleaning up your house, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc. is not only good exercise & keeps everything sanitized, but it may very well help you to focus more on this challenge & everyday challenges/tasks outside of it. I personally sleep better in a room that is clean & have a bad habit of sometimes neglecting to keep my "space" organized and neat. I just cleaned my room after exercising & already feel much better & "free"ER. Also, its time to CLEAN UP those people & things in your life that are not benefiting you whether it be family or friends, bad habits, or even a "not so pleasant" attitude. Getting rid of all the junk that people throw at/bring to you, or even the junk that you brought upon yourself will also help you to enjoy life more. It may be a bit harder said than done, but if you truly want PEACE, you must start taking minor steps towards becoming SPARKLING CLEAN! ~Nina

Monday, May 2, 2011

Move your BODY why don't cha?

Hi ALL! The hair challenge that I mentioned in my previous post is off to a great start! I am so thankful to the participants because this is truly a CHALLENGE for me as well! One of the requirements of this challenge is that each participant drink plenty of water & EXERCISE! Oh goodness...I can drink all of the water I need...but exercise??? Lol! I am SOOOO not a very "physically active" person. Even in high school, besides being a member of the SOLID GOLD MARCHING BAND & one of the Clarinet (wooot! wooot!) section leaders, I didn't do any physical activity at all. I was always a "Student Council- Future Educators of America- Homecoming Court" type And though I know that exercise is great for your overall health including your hair, I've never really just stuck with an exercise regimen for longer than 1-2 months.

This is SO true! Lol...
I wonder why is that we KNOW what we should & ought to do, but we don't do it? For me personally, it is due to laziness & point blank period...not wanting to do it! Many of us struggle with obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, headaches as a result of it, tiredness, lack of engergy, etc. Being overweight is NOT cute at all. Its ok to be a bigger girl/guy, but be HEALTHY with it! Its not enough to say "bigger women are whats IT"...and you are shortening your own life because you have that concept in mind. Yep, we are all made differently, but we must be HEALTHY so that we can remain fabulous no matter what size we are! When you want something bad enough, you stop at no means to get it. The same is for exercise, when you want to LIVE bad enough (both physically and in the spiritual realm), you will do what it takes in order to do longer. (Wow...I just said something right We are too "relaxed" in the sense that nothing bad hasn't happened to us YET. But I don't even want my "YET" to come about period. So I must do something quick, fast, & in a hurry to help prolong my life through a healthy diet & exercise.
So as of today, I did a little exercise. Though I stopped a few times, I kept going & reminding myself that I can do it! Boy if you could have been a fly on the wall to see me you would have laughed hysterically, lol! I like working out in the privacy of my own home, but I see that I become bored really easily. I'm going to keep going though. The challenge only calls for exercising at least 3 days a week for 30 mins or more. It may not be much or that long compared to those who are "seasoned", lol, but it is definitely a start for someone who is not active whatsoever!

To my ROCKistas if you're reading this, THANK YOU so much for all of the kind words, support, & encouragement. Though we are only on day two of the challenge, I feel stronger & better than ever before. It is only a 30 day challenge, and prayerfully within these 30 days I will be able to continue on without stopping. I pray everyone is doing well & I thank you for reading things in this blog about me! And the challenge continues on.......PEACE OUT & KEEP ROCKIN'

As of now, lol, these are the products I'll be using for the challenge. We must incorporate both Olive & Castor Oil along with a great moisturizing conditioner & cleanser for our hair.
I have a new camera, so I'm learning how to work You can see my moles & all with this setting...haha! THANKS FOR READING :0)